Page 106 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 106
94 Records of Bahrain
Bahrain 21ot July, 1947.
The Hiniotor of Colonloo,
United Kingdom, London.
Your Exaellonoy,
Wo the Bahrain population huvo tho honour to put
the following petition to your honour requesting you to he
! kind enough to otudy it ourofully and give it tho nooeooary
at tention.
It io now nearly two oenturiea aince the Islands
of Bahrain have become under tho kind protection of tho Grodt
Britain and we have onjoyod tho kind control and orgunisat-
ion of all your offloinla without any exooptiono, but an
idea was orouted twenty five yearo ago that wo should have
a financial advioor to whioh wo wore thankful at the boginn
ing and would huve romainod oo had it not been that wo wore
oo unluoky to got the wrong type of
inun to maintain thin poet. Hereunder wo bog to give on
outline of our disapproved and moat gravely pooition.
Ur. C. Dalrymple Bolgrave, the financial Advioor
took office in Bahrain in 1921 and ho wao only to manage and
organioe tho finanoial aide of the country which ho did for !
i a certain period ao there wao a atrong Politioal Agent in the
! peraon of Major Daly, bo he was watched carefully and put
! baok to tho right track from now and thon* Since about
ten yearo this gentleman hae doolarod hia dictatorship over
Bahrain and Ignored every one on thooe Islands inoluding
our Shaikhs and moot of the Political Agcnto uloo unloBo
they aro exceptionally outstanding figures.
On the occaoion of conducting the agreement
between Bahrain Government and American Oil Company, this
man took the liberty without consulting aithor tho looal
authoritlcB nor the publio repreoontativeB and limited tho
wages of Bahrain employees in each catogory no matter what
thoir capability or ability may bo, they should not oxooed
that limit. People brought from abroad for tho eamo Job
roooivc twice or even more that a Bahraini and both the
persons v/ork in tho same poot and under the oumo roof.
Lately this gontIonian to give Bahrain Petroloum Company ub
much holp ao ho can ho Btoppad Bahrainis from leaving to
Gulf oountriea ouoh ao Saudi /Arabia, qatar Peninoular oto.
whero they got muoh more pay and canoolled all- tho PaBo-
ports prevlouoly losuod. This action only to foroo them
to v/ork with this American Company and to show his authority
and hio unreaiotlble dictatorship.
This man hue utiliood the woaknoBa of our present
ruler and had hio own way. Below wo onumorato tho posts
at preoent are occupied by either Brltioh or Indian Official®
in Bahrain, but only namely ao they cannot do any single
thing in their own Jobo whutevor thoir experience io. It
might not be bolioYod when we utato that ho even intorforoo
in Doctors directorship of hospitals eto. causing ono of
tho boot British Doctors wo over had Dr. Jhono to resign*
1. Pinanoe (hio own no doubt)
2. Dirootor of Cuotomo & Port Offioor.
3. Eduoation Director.
4. Commandant Stato Polloo.
5. Stato Medical Offioor.
6. General Chairman of Municipalitloo (Moharraq &
7. Tho Head Judge of the Law Courts. Manomah)
8. Tho Head Judge of Criminal Courts.
9. Stute Englnoor.
10. Passport Offioor.
11. Superintendent Publio Works.