Page 105 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 105
Local administration, 1946-1950 93
ln addition to hlfl own dutlos, those of
tho commandant of polico on the retire
ment of Captain Parke who had until then
been Assistant Advisor and polico Officer.
Tho aopurato post of polico Commandant was
then "temporarily" retrenched on•tho grounds
of flnunolal stringency. tt has since
bocomo merged with that of tho Adviser,
although ovon In the very boEInning, in a
B/0. C.S5, duted the llth January, 1933, to
Colonel Loch dealing with thin question,
Bolgravo admitted that ho could not roully
afford tho nocossary time for the work which
ho had to do In connection vrith the police
In addition to his own ordinary dutioa..
Tn spite of thi3, however, Bolgrave has
clung tightly to the position of Commandant
of polico from then until now, and has
resisted any suggestion that ho should
relinquish it. Thera i3 no doubt, however,
that the Bahrain Police Force has long nooded
a rogulur Police Officer to command the iJtato
Polico, and It seems to me that at the prosont
time whan many experienced officors of the
Indian police are leaving India It should bo
possible to recruit a suitablo man for tho
post, rho Polico Force as it stands is,
with the oxcoption of tho British 3ectlon,
inefficient und corrupt, and laaks any
proper system of organisation and training.
(o) I do not favour the appointment of either
Legislative or Labour Commit toes in Buhralri,
at olio present time.
yours slncoroly i
fid./- H.D.II. tfANCE