Page 104 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 104

92                        Records oj Bahrain

                                   COMF1 nisri HAL.                    POLITICAL AOEHCY
                                                                   Tho 14 th August| L947.
                                 D.O. No.C/893.

                                Dour Colonel Galloway,
                                        Will you please refer to your memorandum No. 1413-3,
                                 dated tho 30th July, 1947, regarding petition dated 21at
                                 July, 19*17-, from "Buhruln iBlund Population" to tho
                                 Minister of Colonioa, London.
                                 2.     I um afraid I huvo not been able to discover who
                                 uro tho uuthoi'3 of thi3 petition, but my commont3 on it
                                 uro as followst-
                                        (a)  Qonoral Administration.
                                            There i3 no doubt that ]jolgrave has ovor-
                                            centrall30d control of tho State administra­
                                            tion in his own hands, und abstains as far
                                            a3 possible from delegating any rosponoibillty
                                            for decisions, financial or otherwi30, to the
                                            various heads of departments.
                                        (b)  Education.
                                            Bolgravo has dono llttlo to influence His
                                            Highnoss to ugroo to tho appointment of a
                                            now British Director of Education, vide
                                            Polly's demi-official letter No.C/754,
                                            dated tho 29th of Juno, L947, to you, and
                                            demi-official letter No.C/453, dated tho
                                            10th April, 1947, to Pettigrew.
                                        (o) Administration of justlco.
                                            Hie codification of tho Bahrain 3tato Laws
                                            remains uncompleted. (In this connection
                                            ploaso soo paragraph 0 of Sir Geoffrey prior's
                                            "Note on Discussions with Mr. nolgravo" da tod
                                            tho 16th March, 19-16).
                                            My own oxperlonco of the Judicial work of
                                            tho members of the Ruling Family is con-
                                            flnod to that of Shaikh Mubarak bin Hamad,
                                            in tho junior Joint Court. His sorvices
                                            thoro aro udoijuato, perhaps bocauso ho rarely
                                            expresses an original opinion.
                                        (d) Pollco.
                                            It was in 1932 that Bolgrave first assumed,
                                                                            /in addition..

                        rho lion'bio Lt-col. A'.C. Gallowuy,
                                                   C. 1.12., 0.3.E. ,
                                    Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf,
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