Page 102 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 102
Records of Bahrain
INDIA OFl1’10hi,
iSxt • J|£)J|<'j/i|£ muteuaUj,
personal and
CONFIDENTIAL l6lsli August, 1SN|6.
My do nr Hoy,
Many thanks for your personal and confidential letter of
the 10th July about Delgrave.
life are relieved to see that you do not feel that the
situation is quite as bad as Prior had lod us to bolieve, and
that your inclination is (subject to what may turn up in the
next few months) not to make aqy immediate change.
I had an opportunity of discussing this with Weight man
while ho was hero and we both felt that your idea of suggesting
to the Sheikh the desirability of finding an assistant for
Belgrave, with a view to his succeeding him when he retires, is
an excellent one, which wo think should be pursued, and should
you wish it, wo should, of course, be glad to look round for a
suitable candidate.
Mo should, in any case, be grateful if you would keep U3
informed of developments and, if you saw any reason bo change
your views, we should, of course, like to know.
I am sending a copy of this letter to V/oightman.
Yours sincerely,
(l>gd.) E.P. Donaldson.
The lion'ble Lt.-Ool. Y/.K. Hoy, 081, OIK,
Political Resident,
Persian Gulf,