Page 103 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 103
Local administration, 1946-1950 91
^ n r.
Persian Gulf Residency,
l Bahrain,
D.O.No.660-3. tho 3rd September 1946.
Dear Donaldson,
Ploaoo refer to your letter Ho. Ext. 4945/46
datod tho 17th Auguot 1946,
2. I had a long talk with Shaikh 3a!man on the
2nd September in the oourae of whioh X endeavoured to
atem a otream of eloquence about Zubarah with euggootionB
that money ohould bo opont on improving oonditiono in
Uanamah and Muharraq.
3. Amongot o tVier thingo I asked the Shaikh how
long he thought Belgravo ought to continue to hold hie
prooont offico. Thio produocd a paean of praioo of both
Belgravo and llro. holgravo. The Shaikh referred to tho
aerviooe Belgravo had rendered to hie futher and himself,
talked in glowing tormo of hie ability offioienoy and energy
find remarked that he wae doing the work of four men.
Thio gave mo an opening to ouggoot that he roqulrod an
aeaiutant. Tho auggeotion wao not favourably received
the Shaikh remarking that ho did not oonoidor an aaaiotant
mb ncoeaoury.
4. 1 have an idea that -^elgrave hopoa that hie aon
who ia now 16 and haa recently entered a college at
Beirut will in due couroe oome to Bahrain as hio aaaiotant
and ouboequontly (succeed him, and that the Shaikh io privy
to thio plan.
5. I propooo to preoo the ouggeation that Belgrave
ohould be provided with an aaaiotant either diroctly or
through tho Political Agent au opportunity arioeo.
Personally I do not conoidor tho matter one of groat
urgency, and I think it unlikely that the Shaikh will bo
ahiftod from hio present attitude until Belgrave shows
obviouo oigno of collapse or until oome ooriouo disturbance
or breakdown of the administration giveo proof of his
inability to carry on oingle-hendcd.
6. So far ub the preoont administration of the
State io concerned, although there iu muoh that could
and ohould bo done it is greatly in advunoe of anything
the other Gulf Stateo can uhow, ao the Shaikh remarked
in reply to oome of my criticisms,
7 . I am sanding a copy of this letter to Weightman.
Yours oincoroly,
3d. W'lMUY.
E.P.Donaldoon Esquire, C.M.O •»
Tho India Office,