Page 107 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 107

                            Local administration, 1946-1950
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                    Thio is no doubt tho moot Important aubjoot ao ita
          mlomonagcmont dooo not only affoot tho prooont, but extends
          ita mischief to tho future generations.
                    Thio lnotitution was founded In Bahrain 20
          ago and wao managed and finanood by a group of wealthy mor-
          oiiunto of Bahrain and thingo wore going In tho right dirootion.
          Mr. Bolgruvo did not like ouoh an inotituto quite ooparuted
          from hio own peroonul' inf luenoe and immediately took otopo
          d iauolving thut committee, taking over, the fundo and oturtod
          from tho beginning. Cortainly he rulnod tho whole ayotem.
          Had it not boen for tho kind attention of tho Political
          Agent, tho Hon'ble tho Political Rooldent and the Britioh
          Counoil in Cairo wo would have had no o ohoolo by now on tho
          laland a•
                    Mr.J ,b\ VMkolin wuq appointed by tho Britioh Counoil
          ao Education Director, Bahrain,   Thio cortainly wao a nice
          blow to Mr. Bolgruvo'8 influence.   Mr. Wakclin adopted now
          Education mothodu on the moot modern oyotom und brought
          Egyptian teaohoro and oonditiono improvod niooly, but on
          tho long run tho Advioor otarted putting obotucloo in Mr.
          Wakclin'u way, uometlmou oroating financial excuses, other
          limiting Mr. Wukolin'o leoturou and opoochoo in tho u ohoolo
          until he wao oo annoyed and wao compelled to rooign. 'Wo
          feel oure that the Political Agent'o filoo have got a great
          deal to Buy on thio point,   3o we loot unother moot capable
          man ao a viotlra of Mr. Bolgrave'o ogolom.   Wo all think
           that if thio man remain o in powor there will come a day when
          wo will find ouroelveo going back to the middle agea.    We
          porfootly know that tho Groat Britain io one of tho leading
           if not tho loading, nationu to encourage oducution and spread
           tho knowledge amongot every people thoy oame in contact with,
          but unfortunately, wo havo been treated by thio man otherwise.

           COURT 3,
                    It oannot be imagined that a country existing in
           the 20th oentury and hau an important worldly situation ouch
           ao Bahrain hao got no Law of its own.   It io still difficult
           to realioo that thio man took office in 1921 and oinoe became
           the main source of regulation and never thought of oornpiling
           a law to enablo the citizen to know the right and avoid tho
           wrong.  Wo admit that we must compile our own laws, but
           thut if we wero left free of hio mionuling and diotatorohip.
           In tho paot we uoe to have ono court only and that io
           "3HARA" buaod mainly on tho holy "QURAN" whioh moot of the
           Mooloms learn by heart.   3o tho faulto aro quite obvious
           and avoidable, but after this man hao established several
           courts appointing himself as tho head Judge of thorn all,
           thingo booumo ao complicated and vuguc.   Moreover he had
           appointed as assistants Judges so mo youths of tho ruling
           family, who are not only lacking oduoution and illiterate,
           but have got not the slightest idoa of oourts or any amount
           of life experience and no doubt your honour will be surprised
           to know thut all these hardly can sign their own names
           corroatly. In the hando of thooo ignorunt lots of young
           shaikhs are tho lives, the wealth and the interest of tho
           Bahrain population is lying. Dountloss you find several
           cauos of tho sumo nature und oamo oiroumotanocs, but diff­
           erent Judgement. Thio depends mainly how ono of tho
           Parties is related, or friend of ono of thooo occupying the
           Court Chair.   Relutionuhip, friendship eto. play the moot
           important part on thio stage. No matter how tho pro of o
           may be clear und genuino, ono must ouffer whon thooo elemento
           arc ogulnot him. We oould very easily give aovorul examples
           on thio oubjoot, but not to waoto your honour'o timo   wo
           will only mention ono. Two porsoho were aoouood of drinking
           liquor - whiah Bolgruvo made ono of tho most oorlouo crimes -
           they wero tried,one of them wao o ontenoed oix montho vigorous
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