Page 110 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 110
98 Records oj Bahrain
OONFIDUHTI AU maiaii auu* hu3idishcy,
D.O*No,1604-3. EXT the Oth fleptombor 1947.
My dour Donaldson
I am Bonding you a oopy of a petition whloh
has reaohod mo, the original of whloh may oome to your
not loo in London. I am fully awaro of tho «nti-Dolgrado
fooling In Bahrain and also of Belgrade's many short
comings on which aubjeat Z am Bonding you a oopy of the
last offiolal document written to QoYommont vis* Prior'b
let tor No* 390-0, dated the Oth April 1940 to the Cotero-
ment of India, and enoloaure* 1 thoroforo aakod the
Polltloal Agent to ondoavour to dlooovor tho Identity of
tho wrltor and also to let mo have hie own comments*
I enoloeo a oopy of hlo reply with whloh I agree In genertll«
2. I am sending a oopy of thla letter to Juokeon*
Yours oinoorely,
Ji*P* Donaldeon Koqulro, • •
Commonwealth Relatione Offloo,
King Char loo Utroet,
Whitehall, LOlimil.