Page 111 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 111

Local administration, 1946-1950              99

                                                                 1 I
                                 \c 290VV                   )«( » .  I
                                  \ Wjommonwkaltii \ DELATIONS OFFICE,
                                  i  »       K       li \i H STUKET,
                                   Ut    WiKH         Wl I men ALL, S.W.I.

                                                    February, 194^
         Ext. 257/40
                             ^ 7

                     You will liavo noticed in scuno recent telegrams from the
                 Political Rosidont references to the oxistonoo of a so-called
                 Homo Front or National Ib.rty at Balirein, and in the Political
                 Rosidont1 s telegram Ho.55 of 1J|.th January a reference to a
                 leaflet demanding the dismissal of Belgravo, the Sheikh's
                 British Financial Adviser.
                2.   You will no doubt liavo gathered from this tliat there is a
                 certain amount of nationalist agitation going on beneath the
                 surface at Balirein with the ob joct of the dismissal of Belgravo
                 by the Sheikh and tho institution of a more popular and
                 democratic cystem of administration there, I do not think that
                 tho Foroign Office aro in possession of tho full papers on tho
                 subject of Bolgravo's appointment and in view of the
                 forthcoming transference of responsibility we are taking this
                 opportunity of putting you in tho picture.  I encloso
     __ __________ accordingly a copy of tho correspondence noted in the margin.
     hotter from Sir G. Prior dated 5th April, 1946) Wo do not propose to add
                             and ends.          J moro tliuu necessary to this
     Letter to Sir R. Hay dated 20th June,   1946) coz'rospondenco, except to
     Letter from Sir R. Hay   " 10th July, 1946)  give you tho  general
     Letter to Sir R. Hay    11 16th August, 1946)  background.
     Letter from Sir R. Hay   "  3rd September, 1946
     Letter and oncl. one from Sir R. Hay         5.  Belgx’avo was solocted
                        dated 5th Soptombor,1947) for the appointmont of
     Letter from Sir R. Hay "  3rd December. 1947) Financial Advisor to the
              L.F.Ji, lyman, Esq.,
                 Foreign Office,
                    London, S.W.1.
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