Page 112 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 112
100 Records of Bahrain
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Shoikh of Bahrein over 20 years ago, tliat'is to say boforo
tlio discoveiy of oil at Bahrein in transformed Bahrein1 3
economy by providing the Shoikh with considerable additional
rovonuos in the oliapo of oil royalties and making poaoiblo
for the first time large-scale improvements in the
administration and social services. As a consoquonco of
this the position of financial Advisor assumed increased
importance and Bolgravo was called upon to direct thoso new
revenues into constructive channels o.g. public works,
education, port faoilitios and municipal sorvicos. The
! administration has however become somewhat over-centralised
in Bolgravo's liancls mainly to his -unwillingness 'or
inability to delegate responsibility, though on the other
side it should be appreciated tliat the Bahrein administration
is far more developed Ilian tliat of the other Sheikhdoms.
In sx^ito of his shortcomings, hciwevor, lJolgruvo lias
undoubtedly some very good points, not the least of which
! is tliat ho is persona grata with the Shoikh. Probubly tho
best lino to x>urauo is by gentle and sustained suggestion
to try to x>orsuado the Shoikh to agree to the oinploymont
of an Assistant Adviser to Belgrave who would eventually
take ovor Belgrave1s appointment. It must, however, bo
borno in mind tliat it will not bo oasy to find anyono with
the idoul qualifications, whom the Shoikh will bo x^'0X>ar°^
to acoexjt.
Cus 7
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