Page 108 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 108

>6                        Records of Bahrain
                                                       3 -
     I                             lmprioonmont, lfaioh lu correct In aaoordanoe with tho
                                   prevailing law for thie purpooe, while tho other one
                                   who enjoya the friendahip of an authority and aorvoa in an
                                   important department, waa finod no. 1000/- and oot free.
                                   It muat bo clour that tho ono got the impriaonmont io quite
                                   wealthy and runa a well known fira in the country,   So
                                   it io olear that the oountry io left without a law bo ao
                                   to enable Ur. Bolgrave and hia school to oatiofy their own
                                   feelings v/hon a victim io aaught, by varying thoir law
                                   there and then on opot to cover the preoent demand.
                                   POLICE COMMAND AN T.
                                             Ao a police commandant Ur. Bolgrave hao a vaot
                                   field to ohow hio influence and overrule,   Araongot tho moot
                                   dioguoting orders he had made ao a rule, the ooarohing of
                                   every Bahraini's houae at any time a policeman wlahoo
                            TJ     without any warning or aoarohwarrant.   Thio ia only to
                                   ploaoo tho 3haikh Mr. Bolgravo protonding to be ono of
                             u     the moat careful moolcma wanting to eradicate the habit
                             rd    of drinking from Bahrain. It uo happoned on oeveral
                                   oooaoiom/ attack on oertain houoea during late houra at
                            o      night, hunting for liquoro. Because of tho kind oontrol
                            3      of tho Politioal Agent hero tho foroignoro do not Buffer
     l                       o p.  from suoh an attitude,   A oearoh warrant muat bo obtained
                                   from the Political Agonoy before any houae can be raidod
                             <D    and that warrant is not issued, but after careful o tudy of ...
                            -p     the mat tor and the importance attaahod to it.   Prom this ...
                             tn    your honour oe.n imagine our otuto of affuiru and that wo
                                   are not even left freo in our own houaea and we have no
                             «/» '   personal liberty at all.   Tho other appearance of oavage-
                             >     neao io the whipping of thooe who play gambling "publicly
                                   in the ‘'Wednesday" bazaar" a sort of punioh/jiont ,unod. in ,thei
                                   Middle Ageo and atill Mr. Belgrave tho modem man applies .)
                                   it here in the 20th century. Certainly ho finds Several'
                                   exouoes by throwing ouoh a blame.on the Ohaikh'o ahouldora,
                             x:    but thio ia not true ao the Shaikh dooo not approve of ouoh
                             -p                                                           * V I
                                   a thing and if he dooo he muot be taught better.       . ;■ • vt
                             o               We think that your honour now have a olear picture
                             H     of the conditiona in Bahrain, bo wo requoat tho Great Brital.
                             a io  to ohange thio man and nend to uo a truo typo of Englishman
      !                      ft)  u  who hao wider knowledge and can handle thingo in a bottor
                             tj a.   manner.
                             H M
      It                     2S
                             o               Following are our immediate requootu without whiol
                               rt  we oannot bo any bottor*-
                             o p
                             XJ P            Releaoing the prooont advioor and appointing" /; •/;
                             ► o        l.
                                             another one limited to hio own ophore.
                             \J         2.   Appointing a oupable Education Director and
                                             setting hio hando free to fulfil hlu own      ....
                                             reupon8lbili tio8,
                                        3.   Tho preoont State Engineer io tho right pergonjM-^
                                             roquired for Bohruin, but ahould be given fuller;-;
      i                                      uuthority to handle hia own Job without inter-??•,!>
                                             foronoo of othorn.                              «:i
                                        4.   Forming of a Logiolative Committeo to compile a-
                                             Law for Bahrain and remain in power to oupervlee; V
                                             tho intorior affairo and organloatlon. •        ‘ 1
                                        5.   Forming of a Labour Committee to safeguard^the^. ^;.
                                             intereato of the labourers on tho I»land«VfW*y>V,,&7
                                             We attaoh tho groat eat of hopo on your tooJiou
                                   help and oaoiiitwioe over thooo polnto an all. of theee ;MXpj')*
                                   quite eaoential for Bahrain at prooont and wo will
                                   grateful and moot thankful to you and to tho British jOoYer.n-
                                   ____ Certainly romoving of thio man will amooth.thing® ..
                                   nioely ao Bahrain hufl suffered quite long enough during!>'•' - 'y
                                   hio oflioo.
                                                           Wo havo tho honour to be a if
                                                           Your moot obedlont oorvanta
                                                            Bahrain island pofulation.^
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