Page 198 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 198

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                                            NEGLECTED ARABIA                           15

                        "Good morning, Khatoon (Mrs.) When are you coming to visit me?”
                        "How would tomorrow afternoon suit you?” answers Mrs. Moerdyk.
                     •'and shall I bring Miss Jackson along with me?”
                         "I’ll he very glad to have you both,” answers the patient, who has come
                      often t& our clinics and received benefit from here treatments. Thus a
                      door to the hearts of the women is opened, giving the missionary a chance
                      tor heart-to-heart talks associated with lessons from God’s Holy Word.
                         And so the work goes on, giving prescriptions for medicines, coupled     i
                      with advice repeated again and again; referring them to helpers for treat­
                      ment of burns, ulcers, boils, abscesses, injuries, eye and ear diseases; di­
                      recting care and feeding of infants in arms, undernourished and often          !
                      emaciated; warning against indiscretions of diet and living, etc,—until the

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                     I              NEW LANSING MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, AMAKAll
                     I                                                    ^                           i
                     1 doctor and nurse begin to feel their hearts ache for these unfortunate         i
                     1 women, wishing that they could do more for them in relief of their suf-
                     I fering, but even more, wishing that they could enlighten their hearts and   t
                     1 better their living conditions. Mohammed will have a great deal to answer   5 .  i
                                                                                                   i •
                     I for in the needless suffering and sorrow to which he has subjected the      u  1 ♦
                     I women of Islam, without offering them any reul hope of deliverance even
                     1 in the life to come. And you Christians at home would raise your voices     i •  \
                     ■I in thanksgiving to God that you are living in Christian homes and environ-    \
                     I inent, if you saw the conditions under which they are living. We hope       &  1
                     1 that in addition to the thankfulness in your hearts when you view the pic-   :
                     I ture of Moslem women here portrayed, you may also raise your voices in         !
                     I prayer for the relief of these ignorant, unfortunate women- whose suffer-   i i • v
                     1 ing and degradation are the result principally of a religion lacking above   ...
                     1 all the laws of Jesus Christ who gave atonement for their sins.               ■: p.

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