Page 202 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 202
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The two founders of the Arabian Mission, after many and fruitful
years of labor in the Moslem world, are finally retiring from their active ■
service as missionaries in the held.
Dr. Janies Cantine, having completed forty years of service, was con
strained by the advice of physicians to leave his most recent sphere of
service, in Mesopotamia, in July of this year, and arrived in New York
early in August. A month ater, Dr. Cantine entered the Presbyterian
Hospital in New York and successfully underwent a serious operation,.;
from which he is now happily recovering.
Dr. Samuel M. Zwemer, similarly after forty years of active sendee, .
going to and fro throughout the Moslem world with two bases tor hi**-
earlier and later activities —in Bahrain, the Persian Gulf, and Cairn, Egypt r,
• has (ell called tu accept llic urgent Invliuliuu uf Priueetuu Thculuijlcg£<
Seminary to become its Professor of History of Keligiun and Chrimiurt ^
Missions. Dr. and Mrs. Zwemer leave Cairo late in December and arrive^
in New York early in January, with a view of taking up permanent rc*M
deuce in Princeton and beginning his course of lectures with the second?
Dniester. ~ f
Rev. and Mrs. Bernard Hakken and Rev. and Mrs. George Gosaelink
sailed from New York on September 14th to resume their labors ip the
Arabian Mission.
Mr. Raymond De Young, appointed to short term service in the Basrah
High School, sailed from New York, September 20th. ?
Miss Charlotte B. Kellien expects to sail from New York, October 21*tt-.
on the expiry of her furlough, to rejoin her colleagues in the Arabian'
Mission. *
Mrs. E. E. Calverley, with her children, arrived in New York oq
August 23rd. Miss Gertrud Pennings accompanied her.
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