Page 304 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 304


                                                 NEGLECTED A KAMI A

                           die couldn't support him. Then she fell ill, too, but through simple medical
                           aid which Mrs. Dykstra was able to give her she recovered. Later cm,         ’
                           when the doctor came to Amarah, she received medicine and treatment         . !
                           ior her eyes which brought back the sight to such an extent that die could
                           do her own work again.
                              Thus she began coining to our Sunday services and later on to our
                           women’s meetings, and continually her interest grew in both. The mis-
                           nionaries helped her with food and clothes, and her son, Bedaiwce, was
                           Marled at his lessons. Thus two to three years went on when one day
                           >he cameTo us and expressed her desire for baptism. After questioning
                           her as to why she wished it she said she believed in Jesus Christ who had    !
                           saved her from her sins. From that time she received Bible instruction
                           until she was ready to make her confession publicly.
                              Her growth in Christian faith was an inspiration and joy to us all in    '
                           Amarah. Her life became a continual striving to do the things she was
                           learning were right and a seeking after the truths of the Bible. And since
                           her baptism, as before, she always testifies to the saving love of Jesus
                           Christ to those with whom she comes in contact. She still has old habits
                           to light against, but now she has a Higher Power to help her. Miss
                           Jackson writes that Hasana’s growth in grace the past year is a comfort      i|
                           and joy, especially at a time when so many other adherents have fallen        • ;
                           away or proved themselves unworthy. Bedaiwec now is in the Basrah
                           Buys’ School and it is encouraging to get reports that he is doing well.
                              Let us never forget to mention Hasana before the Throne of Grace,
                           praying that she may ever remain faithful and true to that wonderful
                           confession she has made, making herself a living witness for Him and
                           thus leading other Arab sisters to Jesus’ feet.




                        t                         HASAN A AND IIKU SON
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