Page 308 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 308
A Tribute to Dr. Worrall i
Dr, H. R. L, Worrall Died on June 8th, at Philadelphia, Pa.
0 heard the "Well done” of the Master and has entered into the »
NK of the early members of the Arabian Mission lias recently
joy of his Lord. Soon alter the arrival of the first missionaries
in Arabia they sent home an urgent plea for a medical associate. I 5
1 he first two appointees remained abroad but a few mouths but, in 1894,
Dr. 11. K. L. Worrall, a member of the Methodist Communion, volun i \
teered, and for twenty-three years gave what was best in his life for the {
evangelization of Arabia. It was the evangelistic appeal of his work that !
he ever had at heart; and to make Christ known to the Arab the end he
ever had in view. : :
lu those early days our doctors had but rented houses lor their hos 1
pitals and these poorly equipped, but Dr. Worrall under these adverse
mii roundings never hesitated in cheerfully and hopefully doing his very !
hot. Multitudes in Basrah and other places have cause to remember his
I.iitlitul service.
In 1900 he greatly added to the scope and efficiency of his work by i » '
bunging to our Mission as his wife one fully qualified as a medical mis-
>ioiiary and experienced in the activities of a sister mission. 'Together ?
d»cy labored devotedly and did much to place our medical work on a 1 ;
jK-rnianent basis. -
In 1917 the claims of their growing family at home led them to sever
their cMinection with the Arabian Mission. But a few years later there 5
came t<) his notice a dire need for medical work in a difficult, unattractive
liild oil the West Coast of Africa, and again in loneliness and waning
>ilength he gave of his best. The last few years of his life were spent at
Pulaski, Pa.
As one of his early associates I cherish the memory of his friendship
and am glad to give honor to his connection with the Arabian Mission. 3
v,muting him a comrade who has bravely borne the heal and burden of 1
the day, uncomplainingly sowing where others will reap.
Ja.mks Cant ink. 1