Page 310 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 310



                                   D      R. WELLS THOMS, under appointment to the Arabian Mission,    ■A
                                          was married at Tarrytown, N. Y., on July 5th to Miss Ethel T.
                                           Seudder, a daughter of Rev. Lewis R. Scudder of the Arcot   ft
                                          Mission and for four years herself a member of that Mission.  t
                                   Dr. and Mrs. Thoms expect to go to Arabia at the end of this year.  \
                                      Rev. E. E. Calverley arrived in New York, June 10th, after consider­
                                  able detention in Cairo on account of illness that delayed his journey.   k
                                   Dr. Calverley joined Mrs. Calverley and the children, who arrived last   '■!
                                   year, at their home in York, Pa.                                   ;;
                                      Dr. Paul W. Harrison, with his four children, arrived in New York,
                                  May 26th. Soon after his arrival Dr. Harrison was invited to the Com-’  [:
                                  mencement at Yale University, where he received the degree of Master
                                  of Arts, with the following citation:
                                                                                                      n •
                                          Paul Wilblrforce Harrison, Master of Arts: Scientist
                                      and humanitarian, Yale University recognizes in your career the
                                      rare combination of high skill in a most difficult calling, where   .
                                      science and art converge, with unselfish devotion to the needs of
                                      a backward and ill-served people.
                                      Dr. and Mrs. C. S. G. Mylrca have recently relurned to Loudon, a
                                  very unexpected journey so soon after their furlough, made necessary by
                                  the serious condition of Dr. Mylrca’s health. He is receiving treatment
                                  at the London Hospital for Tropical Diseases. Dr. and Mrs. Mylrca hope
                                  to return to Kuwait, their station in Arabia, in the early fall.
                                     Miss Fanny Lutton arrived in New York early in July on her regular
                                  furlough and in anticipation of retirement from the mission field, where
                                  she has given twenty-six years of notable service as a missionary.  s
                                     Dr. Margaret Rottschaefer arrived in New York on her furlough late   fl
                                  in March. She is spending the summer with her relatives in Michigan.  *;
                                                                                                     ■ •
                                     The Misses Ruth and Rachel Jackson and Miss Cornelia Dulctiherg
                                  are  making a short stay in America during the summer months, having %
                                  traveled by a speedy route recently opened between Baghdad and
                                  New Yprk.
                                      ■:!SK                                                          1          l



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