Page 434 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 434

XECLEC I'lll) .III. 11! IA
                      t.'.Hl llirtrtiffl* liii'iian agency such as jjr.tsis?" "Since • II
                      linw can any human being stand between ns and" (J, .1 v' ;u'1' sll"ieis,
                      believer partake of the communal bread and wine-''” * ••\\'t  ■ -y     a
                      attend services with those of others orders when'.),, . • y Is 11 "runK to
                      Savior, one Lord?” "Why is it not right for al t ' !*                 •••*■
                      rarlictilitrly in regard to this last point J l___ s..;,. t,l<l lllc •Vriptures?"
                      leading (lie Scriptures and that there was a Protest-...i rt !'"''l’:in(l "as
                      dad who was doing much to induce her husband to read « !"p n"
                         To see her, freed, saved, raised up out of the ho,-.-’ll I ! '
                      miry clay, lias put a new song on our lips. NaturaMv ,        ’ °!U of lk'
                      that she might be with us, but we also believe that oil 3 ‘ c ls 1 lc <lcsia'
                      l,v Lod, and He is not bound to the Reformed Church'1 "T* or<lm'<l
                      Mission. And we still have the privilege more so „     i'” ° 1 lc Al'al"'an
                      continue to pray for her,' and her husband with her 11m iT!’ '‘^T’ l"
                      , igbl -spirit may instruct them and lead them into f,.n u'al good and
                             ut salvation anti into a                                 ..............
                         This incident impresses upon us anew the gre-u hei ",          ,
                        •uiher ctitisliiiilly in our work. 1-irsl of dl u,..,     U'.MW 1,1 ''c-
                      nohlc, the-mighty that are called; on the contrary lb ''i 111,1 ,lu|w,s^ llu-
                      and weak and foolish and the things that are nought £ q'f81,lswl
                      to seek and to save that which was lost- lint u,,.,.   ' ,.Ulll:,t came
                     ur attractive in those who are "de d             tl,WU ',S ""“""ff l*caut.T„l
                     also remember that when Paul             iff!;'                      let us
                      wrote, "and such ye were.” We™                      10 lllc        lie also
                                         “Ah, Grace into unlikeliest hearts,
                                             is fhy boast to  come.
                                          The glory of Thy light to find,
                                          in darkest spots a home.”

                     (.in when it happens it still seems a wonder in our eyes, almost an impos-
                     xln'lity. Of Samuel, in his dealings with sinning Israel, we read, “iMore-
                     Mver as tor me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing
                     !«• pray for you: but I will teach you the good and right way.” And so
                     it must be with us and with those to whom  we come with ihe Word of LilV|
                        Another needed lesson and encouragement to all of us engaged in llii.s
                     work of saving souls is the assurance that our “labor is not in vain in the
                     bird,” that “prayer changes things” and that “the elTectual, fervent   prayer
                     u! the righteous availeth much.”

                                 “The weary ones had rest, the sad had joy                                                I
                                  That day. I wondered how;
                                  A ploughman, singing at his work, he prayed,
                                  ‘Lord, help them now/

                                  Away in foreign lands, they wondered how
                                  Their single word had power;
                                  Al home, the Christians, two or three, had met
                                  To pray an hour.

                                  Yes, we arc always wondering, wondering ‘how ;
                                  Because we do not sec
                                  Some one, unknown perhaps, and far away,
                                   On bended knee.”

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