Page 53 - Neglected Arabia Vol 2
P. 53

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                                                                 Our Trained Helpen
                           ••sc:                                  Dr. Sarah L. Hosmok
                           m                                 o     NE of the most serious prob.

                                                                     lems of our Mission it
                      ■*i                                            trained helpers. Since tbit J
                      *                             1 "              ix xlill u pioneer lieM,
                      'A                                     nee no coiiverU we emi iruln |*.j
                      u                                      these most oeeessury position*. \V«1
                                        i.                   are  thus driven to seek helper*
                                                             other parts and thereby imralm,,*:
                      m                                  >2  another foreign element into
                                                             missionary work.
                                                               First let us see who are the** ‘
                                                             trained helpers. They are the tc*b»
                                                             ers for both the boys’ and KirV
                                                             schools, colporteurs for the lliUt /
                                                             shops, and nurses for the ho>|»ul» '■
                                                             and dispensary. Where to xrot 1
                         ;• -        •: .                    them is a discouraging problem U» Aj
                                                              cause the eastern Christians arc n>« j
                                                      vjn     filled with a missionary spirit. TU*.-j
                       £12                                    is one Mission field that tests thr*.

                                                              eastern Christians severely. They
                                 NURSE SUNDRI                 do not want to leave their own am.
                                                              munities and go to a foreign :
                       The col])ortcurs and teachers  have been Armenians who have come
                        from Mosul, Marlin and Iraq. The nurses have come from India, altliu^ A
                                 trial has been made of two Syrian nurses who were of the W.#- !
                        a recent
                        East Refugees.
                           I .el us look at some   of their problems after they accept a position \n<m .3j
                                  They are foreigners placed in a community of Moslem*^-,
                                     , ,, u;n ft is verv lonely for them except m Basrah
                        no Christian  (dlowstap. 11 is vuy | J........ (,u|(           |h,r
                        ilmv i* mi Armrniiiii nimiminily.
                        I,indy lift: and unless they get help, they soon  huccuiuIi to llvcir humeWW-?:
                               With the Indian Nurses they have to learn the language. .!»,
                        they come from lands where they could get plenty of fruit and vcgculi*.
                        while in our Gulf Stations where it is so barren they have to live on a um,
                        monotonous diet. They also have to battle with malaria and at time* mu*
                         furiously. They may receive letters from their relatives telling tlirm «4
                         illness and they lose interest in their daily duties. When they have a ***.
                         tion their relatives focus all their persuasive powers to induce tlx-ra *
                         remain at home to marrv or to take a job nearer home. Money is a
                         gerous temptation for them. How to keep these trained helpers taitW*...
                         happy, and contented in their foreign mission work year after year u »
                         problem that seems bigger to us missionaries than all their problem* am-

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