Page 109 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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               AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1874-75.           7
       quiremcnts to facilitate commerce might he repeated at the present time
       with increased emphasis.
            The Tables 1 to G which have been obligingly supplied by the Col­
        in 1872-73, decrease from 18G9-70, lectors of Customs of Calcutta, Bombay,
         II b. G 1,70,051.          and Kurrachec, show the continual dimi­
       Iu 1873-7‘1, decrease Rs. 9,87,878.   nution of the value of the trade between
       India and the Persian Gulf.
               Bushire,                 (Sd.)    E. C. Ross, Lieut.-Col.,
         The im June 1875.   }                      Resident, Persian Gulf.

       Memorandum showing number of Returns accompanying the Trade Report of tho
                                Residency, Persian Gulf.
            1. —Statement showing imports into, and exports from, Calcutta,
       from and to Persian Gulf during the year 1873-74.
            2. —Return showing the import and export trade between Bombay
       and Persian Gulf for the year 1873-74.
            3. —Statement showing imports into, and exports from, Kurrachec,
       from and to Persian Gulf in 1873-74.
            4. —Statement showing the declared value of the total import and
       export trade between Calcutta and the Persian Gulf from 1809-70 to
            5. —Statement showing the declared value of the total import and
       export trade between Bombay and Persian Gulf from 1869-70 to 1873-74.
            6. —Statement showing the declared value of the total import and
       export trade between Kurracliee and Persian Gulf from 1809-70 to
            7. —Table showing the average tonnage of vessels entering and
       leaving the port of Bushire during twelve months in 1874.
            8. —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the prin­
       cipal and other articles of trade imported into Bushire in 1874.
            9. —Abstract Tabic showing the total estimated value of the prin­
       cipal and other articles of trade exported from Bushire iu 1874.
            10. —Contrasted Statement showing the value and' description of
       goods imported into Bushire during the year 1873-74.
            11. —Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
       goods exported from Bushire in 1873-74.
            12. —Table showing average tonnage of vessels entering and leav­
       ing the port of Bahrein during twelve months in 1874.
            13. —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the prin­
       cipal and other articles of trade imported into Bahrein during the year
            14. —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the
       principal and other articles of trade exported from Bahrein during the
       year 1874.
            15. —Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
       goods imported into Bahrein during the year 1873-74,
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