Page 112 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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                                                   No. 4.
                     Statement showing the declared value of the total import and export trade
                        between Calcutta and the Persian Gulf from 1860-70 to 1873-74.
                          Years.                   Import.         Export,
                                                  Rupees.         Rupees.
                        1869- 70                   7,31,316      23,85,061
                        1870- 71                    26,010       28,55,372
                        1871- 72                   2,70,396      29,14,328
                        1872- 73                   4,19,912      27,69,317
                        1873- 74                   3,61,605      20,79,693
                                                    No. 5.
                     Statement showing the declared value of the total import and. export trade
                         between Bombay and the Persian Gulf from 1869-70 to 1873-74.-
                          Yean.                    Import.         Export.
                                                  Rupees.         Rupees.
                        1869- 70                 1,16,31,735   1,08,11,455^
                        1870- 71                  99,29,739      99,98,975  These figures are
                        1871- 72                  76,51,710      91,50,229 - inclusive of trea­
                        1872- 73                  76,10,811      95,98,802  sure.
                        1873- 74                  76,13,411      93,79,725
                                                   No. 0.
                     Statement showing the declared value of the total import and export trade
                        between Kurrachce and the Persian Gulf from 1809-70 to 1873-74.
                          Years.                   Import.          Export.
                                                  Rupees.         Rupees.
                        18C9-70                   15,21,194       5,98,857 >
                        1870- 71                  11,36,600       8,36,037   These figures are
                        1871- 72                   6,18,356      11,01,132  - inclusive of trea­
                        1872- 73                   6,03,115       5,07,579   sure.
                        1873- 74                   4,89,516       6,21,738
                                                   No. 7.
                     Table showing the average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the Port
                                    of Bushire during twelve months in 1874.
                          Class A.—European.               Class B.—Native craft.
                                                           Average   Average tonnage, Total average
                     Claa.     Where trading or description.
                                                           numbers.  each vessel.  tonnage.
                     a England                              4         600         2,100
                     o Java         • ••                    5         350         1,750
                     o Blauritius                           1         400          400
                     w Uail steamer '...                   36        1,000       36,000
                      I  Other merchant steamers           15        1,170       17,550
                     ^ Pilgrim steamers                     2         500         1,000
                                           Total           63                    59,100

                       ('India                             19         120         2,280
                                    • tt               • • •
                     o Zanzibar                             5         120          600
                     £ Arab Coast, Persian Gulf, <fc Bahrein   38      30         1,140
                     “■§_ ] Persian Coast and Mekran...    85          35         2,975
                     &   3Iuscat and Dependencies ...       0          75          450
                      I  ^Koweit* Busrch, and Kuteef       57          50         2,850
                                           Total       • •  . 210                10,295
                                       Grand total     ... 273         • ft      69,395
                            The oboro details have been collected from the Bushirc Custom House and compiled bj Mr, G,
                     Lucas, Uncovcnauted Assistant Resident, Persian Golf.
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