Page 116 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 116


          Abstract Tabic showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles of
                    trade exported- from Bushirc during the year 1874.—(Concluded.)      '
                                a                n         o-g                        _n
                                                                       3 d
                                n. _             £        4i ^         M
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               Articles.     a  M c 'K                           «1 41      a
                            To  a c w  4    u    a    11               li   M    5     *1
                                                      a •a
                                £<§   *a                                               M
                            w         »—«                                   N    O
                                £     £     *3   £5   £  c.      £  aj                3 o
          Dru gs, Ac.—(ConeIdJ   J?*.  E*.  iu.  Em.   E*.  It*.  Et.  Si   Em.  it*.
             Cassiafistuls                                   loo        no
             Quinine                                          40   80
             Sal ammoniac                                    100        100             20Q
            Saleh ...                   800                   25                        823
            Senna leaves                                     ICO        300             400
          Dyeing materials—
            Gullnuts                   9.000   11,250                                 20.250
            Madder roots              22,600                 720       2,100          25,020
            Safflower                  4.000                                           4,uuu
          Fruits and vegetables—
            Almonds                   36,000                 500                      30,500
            Alook (wild almond)                        200   400   150  300            1.050
            Figs ...                    230                  ion         80             410
            Kliisinis                  4.600  2.600          300        900  300       8.500
            Raisins                    3,000                 GOO   220  860  220       4,bl)U
            Tamarind                                         320        800            1,136
          Grain and pulso—
            Barley ...                6,000                                            6,00)
            Grain ...                                        360   300                  i600
            Rice                                            5,100  1.000               6,100
            Wheat ...           35,700  19,500  07,500  32,600 6,600  13,000  1,800   2,06,50)
          Gum, Persia •               17,000                                           17.00
           Hides and skins            3,000                                            3,00)
           Lemons, dry                                                 1,200           1,200
            Ale, spirit, wine Ac.                                      1,100           1,10)
            Lead ...                                         150   300  320             73)
            Steel ...                                        250   250  400             900
            Tin, pig                                         600       9,000           9,GOO
           Opium           4,GG,400                                             9,30,400  14,52,800
            Rosewater   ...           32,000  12,000  400 1,000  200                   45,9(W
         Provision and oilman                                           300
            Ghco ...    •••            1,500  12,600        4.200  1,050               19,260
           Saltpetre...                                      150         00             246
            Aochoochak                  210                  100        100             410
            Anis                             800                                        800
            Black ...                       2,400                                      2,400
            Cummin                    7,800  7,000    6,000                            21,700
            Qu uince...               6,000                                            8,006
           Silk, raw...              1,25,000                160        210           1,26,400
            Capsicum                                          40         30              70
            Cardamoms                                                   •100            •100
            Cinnamon                                                    920             920
            Ginger, dry                                      900   450  2,100          3.450
            Pepper...                                       3,600  700  1,100          6,300
            Turmerio                                        1,030  720  3,100          4,900
         Sugar, loaf ...                                               1,000           1,600
         Bn&Bu~                                                                        40,450
                                                             600   850  45.000
           Tallow ...                                       1,800  2.000   1,000       4,800
           Tea                                               700   450   600           1,750
           Tobacco ...                           15,000     1,250      12,160          28,400
           Wax (bees )                      4.80Q                                      4,800
           Wool                       22,600                                           22,600
         Woollen goods—
            Carpets and rugs ...                 03,800     1,700       900            96,400
           AH other kinds not
            included in above...      28,600       450      1,850      1,200           32,100
                 Total     4,06,400 35,700  6,36,210 1,66,650  1,43,160 13,700  00,695  69,700 1.42,730  2,320  9,80,400 20,45,77}
                 Specie              1,48,000             1.13,000  1,85,000     ...   *40,000
             Grand total   4,00,400 36,700 0,83.210 1,06,650 1,43,160 13,700 2,03,095 2,43,700 1,42,730  2,320  9.80,400 30,91,775
              The above details bare been obtained from reliable sources at Bushlro and compiled by Mr. G. Luc&e, UncoTO*
                                     nintud Asslstaut Resident, Persian Gulf.
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