Page 121 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 121

AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOll THE YEAR 1874-75.               19

     Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles of
              trade imported into Bahrein during the year 1874.—(Concluded.)

                                                3    "a         3     31
                             •d                      la 6°.9   Sd     3*         5
                             9         i         a    II   a <u  9 2             o
             Arziclrs.       To  lot         ci 3  Q) •   •° rt S     81     H
                             w   0 „ 8  ►-< a  ►-5  33  fl            x §   3
                             £   1 El  £     £   £  «     £     Bl    B4     £   Is,
                             2         £     e   2$   §3   *3 §  P 3  22    I
                             u.  £           Em  Pm  £    I    £
                             Em.  72#.  Em.  Em.  Em.  Em.  Em.  Em.  Em.   Em.  Em.
        Country                                                         860        860
        Bag* ...                                                4,500             4,600
        Copper...                      4.000                    2,000             0,000
        iion                           7.000                                      7,000
        Lead ...                       1,600                                      1,600
        Quicksilver                     100                                        100
        Steel ...                       700                                        700
        Tin, pig                       3,760                                      8,760
        Fish ...                                25,000    12,500  12,500         60,000
        foemnut                         125                                        125
        Jingclljr                      8,000
        Liu seed                       1,000
        Giber kiuds
      oplum ...                                                                    050
        Amber and musk . .                       2,000                            2,000
        Otto cf rose                             4,000                            4.000
        Rovc-xvalcr ^ ...                                              3,500      4.600
      Porcelain and China ware         5,000                                      6.000
     Provision and ciliuau stores—
        Floar ...                                                                 1,400
        Fish, dry                                    10,000 11,000    16,000     37,000
        Ghee ...                                                     1,50,000   2,00,000
      Salt                                                                        1,200
      Saltpetre...                                                                1,000
        Aochoochak                                                      200        •100
        Auis ...                                                                   600
        Cummin                                                                     100
        Coriander                                                                  100
        Toppy ...                                                        16         15
        Quiuce...                                                                   00
        Sesame...                                                       200        200
      Silk, manufactures of            33,000         6,000            7,500     45,600
      Silk, raw                        3,000          1,000            3,000      7,000
        Capsicum                                                        200        400
        Cardamoms                      3,000                                      3,000
        Cinnamon                        200                                  ...   200
       Clove* ...                                                           2,000  2.000
       Ginger, dry                      2«X>                                       200
       Nutmeg*                           35       40                                75
        Topper...                      6,600                                      6,600
       Turmeric                        2,000                                      2,000
      Stationery                       2,036     1,000                            3,035
      Sngarcandv                       1,500                                      1,600
      Sugar, loaf
                          V*                                                       760
        h soft—
        Bengal                         16,000                                     16,000
       Mauritius and Slam              4,000
      Tallow ...                                               40.000  80,000     4,000
      Tea                               100                                      1,20,000
      Tobacco ...                                    60,000  • ••  45.000  6,000   100
     Timber and wood—■                           ••t                             1,00,000
        Planks of a)) kinds            11,000
       Ratter*...                      10,000                               10,000  11,000
                                                                 200               200
                                                 • ••                  20,000
     Woollen goods—                                                               20,000
       Broadcloth                      1,760
       Carpet* and rug*...                                      1.200             1,760
       Shawls of Kerman                                                           1,200
                                                                 360               360
      AU other kinds not'included in                           10,000  30,000  ...  40.000
                    Total ...        10,18,216  32,200 2,63,200 23,6006,46,060   6,31,015
                    Specie ...        1,00,000  • •        ... 16,000  6,02,000  12,386 26,27,295
                Grand total ...      11,18,245  32,200 2,63,200 23,600 5,01,060  11*33,615  12,385 31,44,296
                                    bl lllc A*cnt “ BahMln b)r local cn,ulr* tDi c0“pUcd bj Mt- «■
   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126