Page 123 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 123


                 AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1874-75.         21
                                       Wo. 15.
         Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
                         into Bahrein during the years 1873-74.

                                                Fob ttib tkau
                       ARTICLES.                              Increase iu   Decrease la
                                                                1874.    187-4.
                                                1873.   1874

                                              Rupees.  Rupees.  Rupees.  Rupees.
         Animals, living                        12,400   32.500   20,100  •••••
         Apparel    .   ...                     1,000    1,100    100
         Arms and atnuuiuiliun, Ac.             3.,075   3.100
         Cattle ...   ...                       78,(XW   71.250         4.750
         Chunain and lime                       0,000    0,000
         Clocks and watches ...                 1,500    1,000             500
         Cocoanuts                               fc'X)    775              25
         Coflee                                1,32, r.oo   1,11,000     31,500
         Coir and coir rope                     12,OK)   10,750           1,760
         Cotton, 1 anufaetures of              4,30,4'*)   3.91.500      38,900
         Cotton, raw                            43,500   30.000           7.500
         Dates                                 1,25.0* X)   1.22.500      2.500
         Date juice                             10,000   15,IKK)
         Drugs and medicines                    3,585    3,91)0
         Dicing and coloring materials          4,050   10,276
         Frails and vegetables                  15,025   11.250            775
         Fuel                                   45,250   45.250
        Glass                                   3,<KK)   3.075
         Gold embroidered cloth                 2,5'K)   3.000
        Gold thread                             2, FK)   2,500
        Grain and pulse                        9,32/J‘JO  8,17,125     1,15,835
        Gum (Persia)                             100      100
         Hides and skins                        43,5'*)  53.500
         Indigo                                 10,000  11.000
         Leather, manufactures of               1,000    1,025
         Lemon, d.y, and lemon juice            2,500    2.100             400
        Liquors                                  500                       500
        Lucifcrs                                2,5'K)   ”2.500
        Mata                                    5,300    5,350
        MctuLs                                  20,950   19,050           1,900
        Oil                                     57,700   57,225            475
        Opium                                    050      050
        Perfumery                               12,400   10.500           1,900
        Poreclaiu and Clnnaware                 6,000    5.000
        Provision aud oilman store             2,48,9<*)   2,38,100      10*500
        Salt                                    1,200    1,200
        Saltpetre                               1,000    1.000
        Seeds                                    810     1,376
        Silk, manufactures of                   45,500  45,600
        Silk, raw                                6/*)    7,000
        Spices                                  14.300   13,375            925
        Stationery                              3,100    3,035             65
        Sugarcandr                              1,600    1,600
        Sugar, loaf                             1,870     750             1,120
                                                18.300   19.000
                                               1,20, OOO  1,20,000
        Tea                                      200      100              100
        Tobacco                                1,00,000  1,00,000
        Timber and wood                         42.500  37.000            6,600
                      ... ...                    200      200
                                                2,000   20.000
        Woollen goods                           47ftOQ  43,300            4,000
        All other kinds not included in above    650     4,050
                                 Total        20,75,275  25,27,205  74,010  2,22,020
                                 Specie        0,12,000  6,17.000  5,000
                              Grand total     32,87.275  31,41,295  70,010  2,23,020
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