Page 128 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 128


                                                   No. 22.
                      Abstract Table stowing the iOlal estimated value of the principal and other articles of
                                 trade exported from Bunder Abbass during the gear 1874-

                                          29            i   &   B'S a  s  S3 2        8
                                          o3                T3  ti      3             5
                                                        •O              P3 .
                                          w S           &   3 CO  as a  -1   i        a
                         ARTICLES.        .■g           a   o'3                  -•    S
                                                                •2 2--
                                       2  s a   .2   *  ■s  || fi.2 g  ij  II  €  a    *
                                       w  si    •a          Si   II  a      3    3    3
                                       o  o     jO   S          £       £3  5
                                       JU.  JU.  JU.  Jit.  JU.  Jit.  Jit.  2?*.  JU.  ■Rl.  2?*.  Rt.
                     Animals, living—                                                  7,190
                       Horses ...                7,190                               1,48,165
                      Colton, raw     10,305   1,33,161*        30,000                30,000
                      Dates                                                            6,000
                      Dates, dry...              0,000
                     Dyeing and coloring ma*
                       Henna leaves                                    18,000         18,000
                       Madder roots              0,600                                 1,305
                       Other kinds               1,305
                     Fruits and vegetables —                                         1,22,928
                       Almonds...              1,22,02-t                               1,380
                       Figs                      1,260                                12,000
                       Khlsmls...               12,000                                41.180
                       Pistachio nuts           4MSu                                 1,75.489
                       Raisins •...            1,75, k>5                               8,833
                       Walnuts...                8,832
                     Graiu and pulse—                                   2,200          2,200
                       Gram                                                           26,000
                       Wheat ...       6,151           20,000 1,000                  3,91,030
                      Gum, Persia...   2,320   3.83,710                                1,000
                      Hides aud skins            1,00.1           420                   •120
                      Lemon juice
                     Mats—                                               100            100
                       Country...                                              1.34,400 1.34,400
                     Provision and oilman                                               760
                         store-                                                       47,000
                       Ghee                                       760                  8,935
                      Silk, raw ...             27,000  6,535  20,000   2,400        2,22,000
                      Tobacco ...
                      Wool                     2.22,000
                     Woollen goods—                                                   39,800
                       Carpets and rugs ...      7,800  32,000
                           Total      17,770  11,73.743  58,585 21,000 31,170  22,700; ... j 1,31,400  14,59,377
                                                                        •i.OOOj ...)
                           Specie              2,91,041
                           Grand total...  17,779  14,67,787  53,585! 21.000 39,595  26,70oj ... j 1^400 17,6534«
                             abo.e «U«. £»£-->£« Vr*                             C*”P"*d ^
                                                   No. 23.
                            Memorandum on the cultivation and exportation of opium in Persia.
                         Opium is cultivated principally in Yezd and Ispahan, and partly
                    in the districts of Khorasan, Kerman, Fare and Shushter.
                         The opium grown in Yezd is considered to be better than that in
                     Ispahan and elsewhere, owing to the climate and soil of that place
                     being better adapted for the growth of the drug. But the district or
                     Yezd, notwithstanding the existence of a large cultivable area, is not
                    capable of any considerable extension of the cultivation of opium,
                     owing to the insufficiency of the means, both natural and artificial#
                    of irrigation.
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