Page 130 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 130


                           The Persian opium, it is said, is not much liked in China owing’ to
                       its having a peculiar flavour caused by the mixture of a largo quantity
                       of oil during process of preparation, and owing also to its being some­
                       times found adulterated.
                           It however finds a somewhat better market in London, inasmuch
                      as it contains, on an average, a large quantity of morphia.

                           The greater part of the Persian opium taken to London is thence
                      sent to the Continent and to America.
                           Prior to the opening of steam communication in the Persian Gulf
                      some opium used to'be sent from Persia by land to Constantinople,
                      whence it found its way to the Continent. But that route has since
                      been altogether given up.
                           About 100 cases of opium (in cakes) are brought annually to Persia
                      from Herat. This is taken to the Yezd market. From Yezd also a
                      quantity of opium prepared* in the shape of small sticks or cylinders is
                      sent for consumption in Herat.
                           A small quantity of stick opium is consumed in Persia itself.
                           No opium whatever is known to be imported into Persia from other
                                                               (3d.)    G. Lucas,
                      British Residency, Bushire,            Uncovenanted Assistant Resident
                         The 25th January 1875. }                  in the Persian Gulf.

                        Estimate of the quantity of opium cultivated annually in Persia between the years
                                                 1868-69 and 1874-75.

                       Province or district   1803 69.  1863-70. 1870-71*.  1871-72* 1873-73. 1873-74. 1874-73.  Bimaiib.
    !                  wherein cultivated.
                                       Cases.  Cases.  Cates.  Cates.  Case$  Cases.  Cues.  T3
                      Khoman..           100   100     80    60    80    100   100
    i                                                                                 £
                      Kerman ...         100   160     60    80    60    100   100    I be
                      Yezd ...           600   860    350   260    460   660   660
                      Iipahaa ...   ...  700   1,300  660   460    700  1,000  1,000  es­
                      Kecreez in Pars     80   100     60    60    60    100   100    s's
                      Shiraz and Kazran                                               a
                       District*          70   100    40     30    60    100   100    8
                      & ashler...         10    10     10    10    10     10    10
                           Total        1,660  2,810  1,230  870  1,400  2,060  2,060
   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135