Page 131 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 131

         Statement showing the manner in which opium was exported from Persia during (he
                                     gear 1874%
                                                        Total or bx-
                                            To WJIAT POUTS.  I'ORT ¥ ROM
                                                         EACH FOST.
       Dale of export.  Port of export.  By what vessel b.  a  i  *  a o  a
                                             •a  a   £    d       •a     a
                                             a        a      li          s
                                                 3        3        2
                                             X   cn  -J   P3  «   O
           1874.                            Cater. Caret. Caret.  Cater. Catet.
       Jany. to Mar. ...   Bu8hlrc  S.S. Meiopotamia...  224  62  39  326
                             (S.S. Qunga, Lome,                   610
                                                                        Of tb«
       April to Jane...   Ditto  X and Rcdgauntlet...  154  31  186  }  1 crop of
         Ditto    Bunder Abbass  S.S. Qunga   73               73  73  1873-74.
       July to Sept. ...  Bushins  S.S. Timsah   128  3  124  255
                             < S.S. Mesopotamia                   1,306
       Oct. to Dee. ...   Ditto  X and Agean   647  15  399 1,051  }  ”) Of the
                                                                      {■crop of
         Ditto    Bunder Abbass  S.S. Agean  113              113  113  ) 1S74-75.
                                   Total    1,339  60  633 1,816  180 2,002

         Statement showing the probable export of opium from Persia during the gear 187475.
                                                         Total of hx-
                                             To 'WllAT POSTS.  tobt fhom
                                                         each fort.
                                             u                     3
       Date of cr.port.  Port of export  By what vessels.     -o
                                             ol   8       d
                                             « a
                                                  p.  a o  J:  O CO  'a
                                                          a s
                                            !l        §   •s  1J   2     M
                                              C3  s                o     cs
                                            Catet.  Caret.  Cwti. Caret. Cater.
       September to Dc- Bushiro   S. S. Timtah, Mesopo­  775  IS  613 1,306
        ceraber 1874.          tamia, and Agean                 }  1,419
       December 1874. Bunder Abbass  S. S. Agean   113        113
       January 1876 ... Bnshlre  S. S. Rokebg  99      47  146     146
       January 1875, total exports up to date  987  18  600 1,452  113  1,665
       Beady for shipment at Busbire ...                   73      336
           Ditto    at Bunder Abbass                          2a}
       Probable export up to end of season at Bushire     100
           Ditto     ditto     at Bunder Abbasa                a}  130
                                                         1,625  406  2,030

          British Residency, Bushier,              (Sd.) G. Lucas,
             The 25th January 1875.  ]    Uncovenanted Asstt. Resident, Persian Qulf  \

                     Memorandum on the Trade of Muscat for 1874-75.
           The annexed Returns show the approximate value of imports and
                Trtde            exports during the year. A marked increase
                                 is obseri able over those of the preceding
       year. Though Muscat is by far the principal commercial dep6t of
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