Page 140 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 140


                       Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
                                                  into Muscat.

                                        Estimate for the year 1874-75.
                                                        For tiib official
                         a                                   YEAR         Increase in  Decrease
                         2            Class.                               1874-75.   in
                                                        1873-74.  1874-75.          1874-75.

                                                       Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                                                                   65,600 i
                             Rice (Bengal)          i   4,36,300  3,40,850           39,950
                             Rice (Malabar) ...
                             Sugar                       28,000    60,000    22,000
                             Silk goods                  31,000    20,000            11,000
                             Gooraccoo                      600       400              100
                             Musk                           400     1,600     1,100
                             Aloes wood                   6.500     2,500             4.000
                             Colton stuffs              2,20,000  2,03,000           17.000
                             Cotton cloth (bine)         43.000    '25,000           18.000
                             Thread                      60.000    60,000            10,000
                             Broadcloth                   4.000     2,000             2.000
                             Copper                       2.000     1,000             1,000
                             Damaged cotton ...           1.500     1,000              500
                             Wax candles                    400       250              160
                             Surrungee                    1,000      800               200
                             Indigo                       2,600     2,000              600
                             Purwas                      15.000                      15,000
                             Sweet oil                   30.000    50.000    20,000
                             Coffee                      37.000    37.000
                             Pepper                       5,000     6.300     1,300
                             Gunny                        6,000                       6,000
                             Turmeric                     1,600    ” 4,000    2,400
                         M *                                        2.900             6,400
                             Spice                        8,300
                         *                                          1,700     1,000
                             Sugarcandy                     700
                             Rope                           900     2,000     1,100
                             Ironware                     2,300     3.000      700
                             Frankincense                 2,500     1.900              600
                             Tin and lead                 3.200     4.300     1,100
                             Cinnamon                     1.200     2.000      800
                             Saffron                      6,000     3.000             2,000
                             Gold thread                  3,000     2.000             1,000
                             Wood                         2,300     4.000      700
                             Turkey red                   7,200     6.000             2,200
                             Semsim oil                   7,600                       7,600
                             Alum                           400      300               100
                             Red rice and wheat           6,600      600              6,000
                             Monkey nuts                  2,000     1,200              800
                             Dyes         ...               400      800       400
                             Bajree                         180      360       170
                             Tea                          1,200                       1,200
                             Sandal wood chips            1,000      600               200
                             Canvas                         200
                             Wines, spirits, and malt liquors  1,000  7,600   0,600   1,100
                             Jowaree                      1,100                        600
                             Oil seeds                      800      300
                             Dry cocoanuts                  350      700       360
                             Steel                          400      260       160
                             Dry ginger                     600       75               425
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