Page 143 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 143

              AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY JFOR TIIE YEAR 1874-75.         41
       Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
                             into Muscat.—(Concld.)

                                         Foil THE OFFICIAL
                                               YEAR        Increase in   Decrease
       From           Cl A 88.                              1874-75.    in
                                        1873-74.  1874-75.           1874-75.

       p d                              Dollars.  Dollars.   Dollar*.  Dollar*.
       H ^
       S 5   Sugar                        25,000     6,000            19,000
                          Total           25,000     0,000            19,000

             Cofleo                                  1,200     1,200
             Frankiuccnsc                   600      7,500     0,90')
         «   Pepper                                   700       700
         o   Sugaucandy                               600       coo
             Sugar                                   2.000     2.000
             Rice ...                                4,000     4.000
             Load ...                                 400       .J0*1
             Planks                                  7,000     7,00*1
             Incense                                  800       SO*)
                          Total              COO    24,200    23,000
                                  Total of Imports.
              From India                                  ... 9,30,195
                   Persian Gulf and Mekran                ... 4,51,320
                   South Coast and Africa ...                  48,800
                   Mauritius and Batavia ...                    6,000
                   Singapoor                                   24,200

                                         Grand total      ... 14,66,515

                              (Sd.)    S. B. Miles, Lieut.-Col
                            H. B. M’s Poltl. Agent and ConsulMuscat.


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