Page 148 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 148

ii                          CONTENTS.

                     (Statement showing llie total Import and export trade of the Bombay Presidency,
                         the Province of Sind and Calcutta, with the Persian Gulf, for the years
                         1870*71 to 1871-75                                     ... 20
                     Statement, showing imports into Bombay Presidency and its chief port,
                         Bombay, from the Persian Gulf during the years 1870-71 to 1871*75   ... 30
                     Statement showing exports from Bombay Presidency and its chief port,
                         Bombay, to the Persian Gulf during the years 1S70-71 to 1871-75   ... 32
                     Statement showing imports into the Province of Sind and its chief jxnt,
                         Knrrachee. from the Persian Gulf during the years 1870-71 to 1.87-1-75 ... .'hi
                     Statement showing exerts from the Province of Sind and its chief port, Kur-
                         ruchcc, to the Persian Gulf during the years 1870-71 to 1871-75  ... 37
                     Statement showing imports into Calcutta from the Persian Gulf during the years
                         1370-71 to 1871-75. Statement showing exports from Calcutta to the
                         Persian Gulf during the goal’s 1870*71 to 1871-75      ... 38
                      Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other
                         articles of trade imported iuto Busbirc during the year 1875 ...  ... 39
                      Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other
                         articles of trade exported from Bushirc during the year 1S75  ... 41
                      Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported into
                         Bushire during the year 187-1-/5                       ... 43
                      Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported
                          from Pushire during the year 1871-75                  ... 11
                      Table showing average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the port of
                          Bushire during twelve months in 1875                  ...  15
                      Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other
                          articles of trade imported into Lingah during the year 1875 ...  K)
                      Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other
                          articles of trade exported from Lingah during the year 1875 ...  ... 5i
                      Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported into
                          Lingah during the year 1871*75                        ... 55
                      Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported
                          from Lingah during the year 1871-75                   ... 50
                       Table showing average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the port of
                          Lingah during twelve months in 1875                   ... 57
                       Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of'the principal and other
                          articles of trade imported into Bahrein during the year 1875...  ... 53
                       Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other
                          articles of trade exported from Bahrein during the year 1875...  ... 63
                       Constructed Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
                           in Bahrein during the year 1*71-75  • ••             ... 66
                       (’..ntiwlvd Sutciocat .Lowing the value and description of good, exported
                           from Bahrein during the year 1871-75                 ... 67
                       Table showing average tonnage of vcsvl entering and leaving the port of
                           Bahrein during twelve months in 1*75                 ... 63
                       Abstract Table sowing the total estimated value of the principal and other
                           article* of trade imj-urtod into the Arab Coast in the Persian Gulf, kno^n
                           a* the Pirate Oust, extending lYviu lias-el*Kliyinah to Aboo Dhebbco ...  69
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