Page 153 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 153

                 AND MUSCAT
              This situation lias caused some difficulty in the adjustment of old
          standing claims ami counter-claims.
              On the const of K1 Katr (Gultur) there is a settlement of the Beni-
          Vasat Khor Odevd under Sheikh Baty bin Khadim. These settlers
          Hvideil several wa rs a go from Aim Zhabi,and the Chief of the latter place
          has ever since burned to attack Odcyd and reduce the settlers to submission
          to his authority. Permission to proceed by sea has however been refused,
          ami the land route along the coast is impracticable. Last year it was
          reported that hostilities were still going on by land between the rival
          Uiiefdoms. 1 am happy to stale that during the past year the differences
          have been arranged aucl peace established.
              In the month of November I visited the Chiefs and made them
          the customary presents in token of satisfaction with their behaviour.
          A raid by Bedouins of the Beni Ilajir Al Morrah, Nacem and
          Mouaseer tribes residing in LI Katr Las recently occurred against
          Oiuuuces, but the results are not scriou3.

            ^During the period under review Bahrein has enjoj'cd peace and
             '1 he improved aspect of affairs in Bali rein and its vicinity
         h::s allowed us to dispense with the constant presence of vessels of
         "ar 551 these waters, hut cruisers pay occasional visits as frequently
            tuiivcnicnt. Fioin time to time an Assistant Resident has been
         <‘VpuUcl to vi.-it the islands in the Residency steamer, aud I paid an
         oilicial visit to the Chief during my tour in November.
             1 he Chief brought to notice a correspondence with the Governor of
          •usraii, the latter having brought forward certain demands on behalf
         e liihahitjints of LI Katr (Guttur) against subjects of Bahrein. The
           nef was recommended to reply in a fair aud conciliatory tone.
            |.^° complaints have been received from British Indiau subjects
         nsi< mg ia Bahrein, and the position of affairs seems on the whole more
           is actory than it has been in previous years. ))

                            Nejd and El Kalr (GullurJ.
         j.-i V10 £cncra^ political situation as regards the relations of the Tur-
         *lian*cd>VCrAmen' •*be fami1/ tbe Native Chieftains is little
         on       ^ Turkish garrison occupies Lahsa where resides a Governor
         Uusrah.^^           Mazeyyid, the son of Nasir Pasha, the Wullee of
             Since (lie death of Saood ibn Fcysul, lb« elder brother, Abdallah,
                       Staining his recognition by the other members of the
             * lts bea<i and representative. The Arab tribes of the interior
            p ing the Al Ejman appears to concur.
        l*ertv^n<^n,i*^r wa# rcc°Yercd from the Arab Sheikh of El Bidoa for pro-
        ^idersKnZed fr°m * Babreiu boat at sea in 1874 by the Beni Hajir
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