Page 155 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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                              Government of Fars and Shiraz.
                 In (he month of April last year I proceeded, with the permission of
             Government, on an official tour to Shiraz, accompanied by Lieutenant
             Fraser, Assistant Resident, and Surgeon Waters, Residency Surgeon.
             The most courteous reception was accorded to us by His Royal Highness
             the Ilissain-cs-Sultanch, and we were treated with great consideration
             and hospitality during our short stay in Shiraz.
                 I have already submitted to Government an account of the route
             we took returning*by Ferozabad, which is less known than the Kazeroon
             road. I have since with the assistance of our Agent at Shiraz, Mirza
             Hassan Ali Khan, procured some statistical information concerning the
             nib-governments, divisions, and revenues of the Province of Far?.
             This information is embodied in a memorandum which I have thought
             might fitly be incorporated with the present Annual Report, and which
             will accordingly accompany it. To the lists of Governments and dis­
             tricts I have appended complete lists of the villages in those tracts in
            immediate proximity to the sea, with which this Residency is most con­
            cerned. A sketch map has also been compiled, which, though extremely
            imperfect, may serve to some extent to illustrate the Report.
                I!is Royal Highness the Hissam-es-Sultaneh having been recalled
            from Shiraz Las been succeeded by the Motcmid-ul-Mulk, Yahya Khan,
            v.ho is styled Firman-Firma of Fars.
                the caravan routes are at present pretty clear of robbers.
                I have received very efficient and zealous assistance from the
            finish Agon; at Shiraz, Mirza llassau Ali Khan.
                Poli/ical.—Major Grant having returned from furlough, Lieute­
            nant rraser returned to India, and Mr. Edwards reverted to bis substan­
            tive appointment.
                Medical.—Surgeon Waters Laving resigned the Civil Surgeoncy of
             Uihire, Surgeon Wall has succeeded him.
             r . postal•—An arrangement has been effected for receipt and delivery
               otters, &c., at Bahrein, which seems to suffice.
            V        —^er Majesty’s ships Philomel, Daphne, Rifleman, and
            W* |. ve          station during the year. Her Majesty's ship Arab
            i»ol t ilCVCd Nimhie. Her Majesty's ships have, owing to the
            taa't port °ccurrcnccs at Muscat, been almost constantly stationed at
            anj -^1C ^ G. Gun-boat Ilngh Rose lias been constantly in the Gnlf,
                or S0me time has been usefully engaged in co-operating in carrying
               measures for the inspection of vessels arriving from Busrah.
            dulf^T?       —No cases of importation have come to light in the
            concerned °rt*crs ^ovcrniuent have been made widely known to all
                                        (Sd.)   E. C. Ross, Lieut.-Col.,

              Tie CM            }                  II. B. M.9m Poltt. ResdU
                     April 1876.                           in the Persian Gut/,\
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