Page 158 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 158

                    Mullc.” The nutliority of this Governor extends over a tract reaching
                    on  the sea side from about thirty miles north of the town of liushire
                    to the port of Deyycr to the south.
                         The Government of Bushirc is divided into districts as follows:—
                             ]. Bushirc with Ilcyat Daood and Ang.ilce.
                             2.  Dashtistan.
                             3.  Tcngistan.
                             4.  Dash tee.
                         The (1) Bushirc district extends along the coast from Bunder Re®
                     to Ilalilah Bay, and comprises under the town of Bushirc the coastal
                     pub-district of lie vat Daood and another to the north of town called
                     Angalec, for each of which there are headmen under the immediate
                     superintendence of the Governor.
                         The district (2) of Dashlistan consists of that portion of the low-
                     lying plain between the sea and the mountains extending from the
                     village of Dalikec to about Chakoota. The principal town of this district
                     is Borazjan, and the headman orZabit of the whole district is Mohammed
                     Ilassan Khan. The villages of Dashtistan amount to about twenty-
                         Next to Dashtistan to the southward is the district of (3) Tengis-
                     tan, in which are upwards of thirty villages, the Chief of which is
                     Abram. This district opens on the sea. The present “Zabits” are
                     Ali Khan ami Haidar Khan. The inhabitants area race renowned for
                     bravery and speaking a dialect peculiar to themselves.
                          (4.) Dashtoc is a more extensive and populous district than either
                     of the two just mentioned. It has some So villages, the principal towns
                     being Khormnj, and the present Chief, Ilaidar Khan. Dash tee lies
                     south of Tcngistan, and is hounded on the west by tbe sea, to the south
                     by the Kongoon and Jam District, whilst to the eastward it extends to
                     Booshknn in one of the valleys above the first range of mountains.
                         The Bushire districts are dependent almost entirely on the rainfall
                     for the growth of crops. The rivers of Khisht and Dalikee skirting
                     the district of Dashtistan, unite and flow into the Rohillah creek some
                     miles north of the town of Bushirc. The lower part of Dashtce is
                     traversed by a river which (lows into the creek called Klior Ziaret. It
                     is supposed that this is the river called further up the Karagach (tbe
                     ancient Silakus), which is supposed to rise near Shahpoor and flow round
                     to the eastward of Fcrozabad.
                          The Khor Ziaret can be entered by vessels of not exceeding six
                     feet draught, and is navigable for such craft for some miles. I recently
                     proceeded up the creek'for about twelve miles, and the information eli­
                     cited from the inhabitants of tbe district tended to confirm the con­
                     jecture ^ that here is the embouchure of the Karagach river. It would
                      be an interesting and useful undertaking to march up this river as far
                     as possible.

                      ___%’T1? ®J R'JWt for th# jw 1873 74 tbe diitriote of Duhtietan end Da*btee
                      dhtrirte*,BC,tt4k4 10 tU to™ *terea* tbej *bould hare been mentioned a* dUtinci
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