Page 157 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 157

             For administrative and fiscal purposes, there are in Fars, in the
          first place, six principal Governments, the Governors of which divisions
         are responsible for the revenues and administration of the districts
         included in their respective charges.
             It would however he incorrect to say that Fars is divided into sucli
         Governments, as many large and important districts are not included in
         any of the divisions to which the term "Principal Government" is
             Many such districts, whilst not being looked on     themselves
         separate "Governments/' are managed through the headman directly by
         the Shiraz authorities.
             The following are what are considered chief Governments
             I. Behbehan; IT. Bushirc; III. Lar and Saba; IV. Bunder Abbass;
         V. Darab; VI. Abadch and Iklid, all of which have again subordinate
             The Government of Behbehan * is at present administered by
                                 the “ Ihtisham-ed-Dowleh," Sultan Aweyss
           • Also called Kohgiluyeh.
                                 Mirza, son of Ferhad Mirza, Moternid-el-
         IWloh, uncle of the Shall. The revenues of this Government are
         realized partly through the Zabits or " Collectors" of the various dis­
         tricts, and partly from the Chiefs of the Eeliat tribes.
             The principal districts of Behbehan arc said to be:—
             I luma, Jadawal, Zevdun, Lehrawi, Bunder-Dilam, Kohmarah, aud
         the several villages inhabited by Arabs.
             The following are Lari tribes of Behbehan
                 Babmai                ... Chief Ja'afer Khan.
                Teybi                            Hassan 'Ali Khan.
                Niu                              'Abbass Khan.
                Gbaram                           Khan Mohammed Khan.
                Buvair Ahmed of Sarliadd.   ,,   Mohammed Hassan Khan.
                Buvair Ahmed of Garmsir.    »   Ilussein Khan.
           . This district of Bchbehan is little known to ns, and the routes to
         Shiraz and Kazerun require further surveying. There are severa gooa
         streams, notably the Tab and JerahL
            At present there are said to be about 400 infantry, 26 artillery-
         Ineni ar*d two guns in Bebbeban.

                     II.—Government of Buthire                  bava been

         present, however, the Governor is su'i®ri y g.han entitled Saftd-ol-
         •ntttt. The Governor u Uossein Kub W
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