Page 162 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 162


                      fjisf. of Govt*. or District* awl Cotlcctoratc* of Far.t, $c.—(Concluded.)

                           Names.       Gciicrul situation.          ltKM AHK8.

                      Ileyza...   ^ •••  W. of McTvdaslit  ... j  Farmed by tlie Mushecr-ul-Mulk.
                       ltawauat and Haul*   Up plain of Murgliub, N.- Under Abfcuu Kulec Klmn.
                        kuree.         K. and N. hy K. <»f Shiraz.
                       Keer and Karzccn...  Between Fvrozabad and Under Mirza Mohammed Koolec. Many
                                       J eh room.          villages.
                       Jooyum or Jnwaim   Nino »tnge* from .Shiraz in . Under Mirza Ali Mohammed,
                        and llecdshahr.   road to Lar.   j
                       Khajaee        A march N. of Feroza- Under Mirza Mohammed Kooleo, Gover­
                                       bad.                nor of Kcer ami Knrzoen, about fivo
                                                           villages, of which arc Ibrahimubad aud
                       Klmfrck and Mcrv*   N. of Shiraz   Mirza Mohammed Itezn. The extensive
                        daslit                             plain of Mervdjwht has many villages,
                                                           and is watered by the river Bund
                       Jehrooin       Between Ferozalmd and   An extensive district containing some 20
                                       Darab.              villages now under iluidcr Kooloe
                       Khnfr          S..R. of Shiraz, about 50 , Village and district, various headmen,
                                       miles on n»ad t»»Jehrooin. ]
                       Khiditand Kumarij . Between llushire aud Ka- ( Now under the Mushecr*ul-Mulk.
                                      • zernon.
                       SiaVh and D.irinjau. ' S.*\V. «>f Shiraz. ^  Direct under Shiraz.
                       Khahreez and .\r-iu- Adjacent to lakeXeyrcez .. ‘ Under Shiraz through Mohammed Reza
                         jail.                ^          j Khan.
                       Fmnoor      ... S.-K. «.f Knzcroon adjoin* , Property of the Mushcer*ul*Mulk.
                                       ing the lake.
                       FerozaU'd    ... ; I  S. of Shiraz   ... Town aud valley under Ecl-Khnnce.
                       1W er Fewa   ... S.-K. of Shiraz  ... The district is 15 miles long. Farmed by
                                                           the Mu*hecr-ul-Mulk, who makes from
                                                            ls.UOO to 20,000 Tomans yearly.
                       Kcinocn      ... N -E. of Khafrek  • ^ Shiraz districts under Ali Kulcc Khan.
                       MaMvr.uu.and Jirreh S.-E. of Kazernon
                       Hoouiali and the All round Shiraz   ... i Are farmed by the Mushocr-ul-Mulk, who
                         villages close in                  is said to clear 00,000 Tomans.
                       Meimen          E. of Ferozalud   ... Musheer-ul-Mulk.
                       Ncyreez         E. of Shiraz on lake  ... Ditto.

                                          Fctial or nouitul tribe* of Far9,
                            Some of the Eoleit trilx/s found in Bchbehan have already been
                        mentioned, and it was Mated that they arc Loorce tribes. In other parts
                        of Ears the Kola are " Toorks" and “ Arabs." These pastoral people
                        roam with their Hoeks from one pasturage to another according to the
                        seasons  In the winter they frequent the comparatively lowlands,
                        and when the increasing power of the sun commences to scorch the
                        grass, thev move off to cooler uplands. The winter encampments  are
                        termed ^Kndilak," and the cool summer quarters u Yelak." Each
                                                            .......... .............................(
                        tribe usually frequents the same  tract year after year. Iu the early part
                        or summer the Eehats are on the move with their flocks and robberies
                        arc then frequent. It is necessarily difficult to form any estimate cf the
                        numbers of these tribes, but they form au importaut part of the
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