Page 164 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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                     considered more capable of being made practicable for wheeled
                     conveyances or artillery. At present this road is not used as regards
                     the seaport traffic. From Bunder Dcclam Shiraz can be reached through
                     Bolibchan. From Kongoon there is a road little traversed to Ferozabad.
                     From Mnghoo, Lingali, the interior, can be gained through Lar, and from
                     Bunder Abbass there is a tolerably good road to Lar, and a road by Feen-
                     Forg, &c., to Darab, whence many roads branch, as to Kirman, Shiraz,
                     Yezd, Ferozabad, &c.
                         From Shiraz the principal routes to east, north and north-west
                     are to Kirman, Ispahan, Yezd, the Sirhadd, and Behbehan.
                         Some of these have been surveyed by British Officers, as that to
                     Kirman by Niriz to Yezd.
                         The road to Behbehan from Shiraz and that from Shiraz to Darab,
                     and thence to Jehroom and Ferozabad and Kazeroon have been described
                     by British Officers. But further south in Lar the country is almost
                     unknown to us. The roads to the summer haunts of the Eeliats in the
                     north-west of Fars, where the great mountain Koh-i-Dana or Koh-i-
                     Padana rises to a height (according to St. John) of about 17,QUO or
                      18,000 feet have, it ?s thought, never been explored by British travellers,
                     though these districts arc interesting enough to repay the toil of a jour­
                     ney through them.
                          The actual amount of the revenue of Fars, as estimated for the
                      past year, is shown in a Table which accompanies this Report.

                             BrSHIHK,             (S'!)    E. C. Ro*$, Li cut.-Col.,
                        The April 187G.     }          Political Resident, Persia a Gulf,
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