Page 159 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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                   and muscat
                           ///.—Government of Lar and Saba.
                The present Governor of Lar and Saba (for so this Government is
            6tvle<l) is Molrtinmed llassan Khan. The districts are given as follows:—
                     (1.) F«»rg. (2.) Tarum under deputies from the Governor.
                     (.*}.) Duragba,    Zabit, Khairullah.
                     (1.) Feen            „ Ilajcc Ali.
                     (5.) Faivgban        „ Rais, G ha rib Shah.
                     ((».) Fir man d           Same.
                     (7.) Alimedi         „ Ii.ishim Khan.
                    (8.) Kuhistan         ,, Ghulam Hussein Khan.
                    (9.) Gohra            ))   Rais Nusscer Khau.
                   (10.) Lar and Jcrasli „ Agha Fath Ali.
                   (11.) Bustak,          „ Mustafa Khan.
                   (12.) Shih-koh         „ Sheikh Mazkur.
               It will be observed that certain sea-coast towns and districts do not
           r.ppear in the list of districts or sub-divisions though within the geo­
           graphical limits of Lar.
               The Chief of Congun, Gabendec, and the Islands of Sheikh Shoeyb
           and Hinderabee, fer example, is directly under the Shiraz authorities.
               The port of Lingah and its district is likewise directly under Shiraz.
           The other seaports of Lar are under the Lar garrison, some being sub-
           (hitriets of Bustak.
               The Lar districts are little known to Europeans, and the geo­
           graphical position of the town of Lar but vaguely known.

                          IV.— Government of Bunder Abbass.
           c ii Government of Bunder Abbass is divided into districts as
                   (1.) Bunder Abbass (about six villages).
                   (2.) Shenul (about ten villages).
                   (3.) Minab or Minao (about 30 villages).
                   (4-.) Biaban (1C villages).
               The present Governor is Ahmed Shah. An interesting account of
           some of these districts was furnished to Government in 1873 by
           Gov* ln^ Sur-ooa ^bdur Rahcem Hakeem, and printed by order of

                               V.—Government of Darab.
              The Government of Darab and districts was entrusted last year to
              arumed Taki Khan Sirteep.
              The districts  arc—
                  1.  Mazcvjan and Ilajiabad. Uudcr a Deputy Govern
                  2.  Rudah Khalesa.                 Five deputies.
                  3.  City of Darab.                 A Kalantar.
                  4.  Sirkoh.                        Three Kcdkhodas.
                  5.  Karujat-el-Kbair.              Ouc Kedkboda.
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