Page 147 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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            i:, 1- rt by tlic Officiating Political Resident, Persian Gulf, for tlio year 1875-76. I
            Administration Im port f.*r 1875-76 drawn up by Political Resident, Persian Gulf.  2
            Cni.fial. Petty Chiefdoms. Oman Coast...
            Halm in. Xoj*l and K1 Katr (Gultur)                           3
            Persian Coast. Bassidore
           Government of Pars and Shiraz. Establishments. Political. Medical. Postal.
                Xaval. Slave Trade ...                                    5
           Memorandum on the governments and districts of Fars for 1875-76   6
           Hehlehan. Government of Bushire and districts                  7
           Government of Lar and Saba. Government of Bunder Abbass. Government
                of D.trab        ...      ...      ...      •••      •••  9
           Government of Iklid and Abadeh                                10
           Li-4, of Governments or Districts and Collectoratcs of Fars not included under    ■
              the six principal Governments                              11
           Fclht or nomad tribes of Fars                                 12
           Li t of places on Cos^l of Persia from Mr.shoor to Bunder Abbass   15
           Li-', cf vill:s;'.-> in P-niuMda of Bushiro cud immediate neighbourhood. Yillages
              ir. tl.., n- igblwirhoctl of Bushire. List of villages in “Xlanjat Dr.ood”
              ’-.dor Khan AI-.o Khan ...                             ... 17
           !«•'- ‘ f villages in “ Angalee " under Scarab Khan. YiJlages in District of Dash-
              ti'tan under Mahomed llassan Khan                      ... 18
           List of villages in each district of Government of Busbire. List of villages in
              I)a?htee under Hyder Khan                              ... 19
           List of places in the districts under Sheikh Muzkoorbin Jabbarah, Chief of
              Koogoon and Gaobandee, &c.                             ... 20
           List of villages in the District of the Sheikh of Cherroo-Hamid-bin-IsmacI,
              Chief of the A1 Obeydil, a sub-district of Bustak in Government of Lar.
              Li>t of villages in the district of Sheikh Abdoolah bin Mahomed, Chief of
              the Beni Hamad of Kulat under Bustak of Lar ...        ... 21
           Patriot of Charek under Moharacd bin Ifassan, forms also sub-district of Bustak
              of Lar. Mogoo District now under Sultan bin Ilousein A1 Scodan, subordi­
              nate to Bustak of Lar. List of places in the district of Lingah under
              Sheikh Ali bin Khaleefah ...                           ... 23
           I-’.'t of places in each district (Bulooks) of the Government of Bander Abbass,
              themed, Minao, and Biaban   • • •                      ... 23
           Loute from Mogboo to Lar. Route from Lingah to Lar  • • •  ... 24
           Loute from Bunder Abbass to Lar. Route from Fcrozabad to Kerman through
              fa*a and Darab according to M. Rivadineyra in 1875   • • •  ... 25
            Table of the revenue of Far* (Southern Persia) furnished by Mirza Hassan
              Ali Khan. Agent at Shiraz                    • ••      ... 26
           Memorandum showing number of Returns accompanying the Trade Report of
               the Itaidcncr, Persian Golf  • ••  • ••     • ••      ... 27
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