Page 193 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 193

year 1875-76.      43
                     muscat political agency for the
                                     No. 10.
                ted Statement thawing the value and description of goods imported
                         in'o Bmhire during the year 1874-75.
                                         For the years    Increase   Decrease
                   Class.                                 in 1875.  in 1875.
                                        1874.    1875.
                                         Rs.      Rs.       Rs.      Rs.
          Animals, liring.               1.500     4,800    3,300     3,120
          Ann?, ammunition, <tc.         19,120   15,700    2*1,470
          Caudles                        6,000    30,470
          Cattle                          1,000    1,300      300
          Canvas, country                5.000     4.750                250
          Chunaci and lime               23.500   20,800    6,300
          Clocks and watches             15.000    9,700              5,300
          Cval ,..        ...            6G.U00   55,500                500
          Cocoanuis ...                   1,5* X)   1,SG0     360
          CVjflVe                        17,700   41.170    26,470
          Coir and coir rope              2.501    4,900    2,310
          Confer tior.ery                 1.000   13.200    11,COO
          Cotton cools                14,85,000  1S.95.SOO  4,10,800
          M.t>u!:p.i*.au) piece goods    40.000   1.72.000  1.32.000
          Thread and twist               02. tW  1.95.000  1.32.000
          Dates                          25.500   32.200     6,700
           P«*. dry ...                   l,r/r)   2.000      400
          1j.lli-i* . .   Mt              1,8*7)   1,3 SO               420
          1 *r:ir> an 1 medicines ...    31,300   21.57J             12,860
          Ihriug and coloring materials   6,230    3.500              2,730
          Kirtlcnware                     1,700    1,300                400
          Fruits and vegetables ...       2,410    4,000     1,500
          Furl                           39,800   43,400     3,600
          Furniture ...                   2,50*)   2.500     2,700
          Gla-< and gla>>ware            10,010    8.C50              1,390
          Cold thread                                630      630
          0»<ld embroidered cloth         6,000    3.8.0              *2,200
          G..14 l,ce ...   ...             750     2.300     1,550
          Grain and pulse                41,400   ll.OX)             32,800
          Hides and skins                 6,500    8.100     2,400    • ••
          Indigo ...                   4,02,400  7,38.600  3,36,200
          •Jute, manufactures of ..!     15,000    8.500              6,500
          leather, manufactures of        1,800    1,700                100
          D inon.% dry                    4,000    1,200              2,800
          k-ioon juice                     200       380      180
          Upior* ...      • ••           26,300   28,500     2,200
          Loafers ...     • ••            2,000    2,950      950
                 • ••                    12,450    8,750              3,700
                          • ••         1,41,900  4^7,875  2,82,975    • ••
          MilUtone ...    • ••                                          300
          Oil    • ••     •••              GOO    13,750     6^450
          P«ri«  • ••                     7,300                      10,000
          Perfumery...    000            10,000    1,600               300
          fr"»4* »ni Chinaware            7.000   18300     11,500
          ^jjn*u»n and oilman stores     39.000   38.850    • ••        150
                          • ••            1.000    1.850      850     • ••
                          • ••             400       700      300     • ••
                                          3.950    2,100    000       1350
          ?tr*inn,“f      • ••           66,150   45,800    • ••     20350
                  • ••
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