Page 194 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 194


                                             No. 10.—(Concluded.)
                                                      Fon the years
                                 Class.                                Increase   Decrease
                                                                       in 1875.
                                                                                in 1875.
                                                     1871.    1875.
                                                      Its.     Iis.     Bs.       Hr.
                       Stationery ...                 12.000    8,0* X)            3,100
                       Su"ar-candr                     4,800   10.000   11,200
                         „ crushed                     1,000   42,250   41,250    • ••
                         „ loaf...                    10,000   02.200   52.200
                            «>a...                  G,01,000   C,78,2uO   77.200
                       Tallow                          1.500    1.350               150
                       Tea                            30,000   1,00.750   70,750
                       Tobacco ...                     7.000    8,000    1,000
                         „ manufactures of      ...    1,050    2,250      COO
                       Timber and wood   ...    ...    7,500   10.200    8.700
                       Wax. bees’...    ...     ...    3,000    1.300              1,700
                       Wyol ...         ...     ...    8,<X>0   7.CO0               400
                       Woolen pv*is     ...      ...   21,(XX)  1,20,050   90,050
                       All other kinds not included above... !   S0,$<X)  3,40,000  51,000
                                     To'.al     ... 31.72.700 i 50,s2/»25 ' 17,75,195   1,05,870
                                     S^ric           1,23,< KX) I 7«;>XJ  I       42,200
                                Grand    ... 35,97,700 ; 5l.5S.S25 ; 17,75.195 1 2,14,070
                                                           1                  -

                                                   No. 11.
                       Contrasted Statement showing the ralue amt description of goods exported
                                     from ]>n*hire during the year 1S71-75.
                                                  i   FOU THE YEARS            Decrease,
                                 Class.           !                   '"Increase   »  in 1875.
                                                     187 L    1875.   iu 1875.
                                                      Br.      Bs.      Bs.       Bs.
                       Animals, living                92,(XX)   75.000            17,000
                       Arms, ammunition, dec.          8,950    3,000             5,950
                       Candles ...                      8(X)    1,050     250     • ••
                       Cattle                          0.000    1,200             4.800
                       Chunam and lime   • ••         15,(XX)   9,C(X)            6,9*)
                       Coffee           •••            7,880    6,500             1,390
                       Coir and coir rope   • •s       1,250     500                750
                       Cotton pxxl*                   71,000                      19,50*
                        Thread and twist              11.500   51.500             8.000
                        Cotton, raw                                     76,850
                        Dates   • •a              i   82.750   1.59,000          2io00
                         Do. dry...               I   47,(XJ0  22,100   39*200
                        Date juice ...                  400    39,200             •‘*400
                        DrujC* and medicines ...      14.775   32,500   17,725
                             and coloring materials                               5.970
                        Kruita and vegetables         49.870   43.9> X)           19,740
                        Grain and rmlae   •••                                   2,18A^
                        Gum, Perm                    2,18.200
                                        sat            3,(DO    2.800
                        Hides and skins                                           0,000
                        Drmor.a, dry                  17.G(X)   8,000    • ••
                                                       1,200    1,200             • ••
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