Page 205 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 205

5 5
                                               TOR THE YEAR 1875-70.
                                        No. 15.
                   led Statement showing the value and description of goods imported
                            into Ling ah during the year 187-1-75.
                                                  Foe tiik mm   IncrcaRO In
                           CLASS.                                 lb/5.
                                                  1974.   1*175.
                                                  Ih.             Rt.
             An'.mil*, living
             Arnis'air.r.unitlon, Ac.
             Ik-a«!s ntivl amber                   0,500            1,600
             Ikoll                                  1,100
             Candles   ...   •••                   16,104  31.419   *10,250
             Canvas, country                       6,000    6.10*1   160
             Cliuiiam and iimo                     17.500   4. »/3
             CIox’ks and watches                    1.000   "*4*59*
             Cocnanuts   ».                        4.4S0   17.120        1.40.250
             ColLe                                1,63,870  6. HO
             Ce-ir and coir rope                   27.0*0                 20.500
             Colton go-ds                         C.IO.UUO  0,71,0.0  62,000
               n country   ...                     15.00    5. «*0         7.0*0
             Thread and twist                      23.500   2r0O3   ӣigo
             Cotton, raw  ...                      8,«»75   6 >00          1,275
             Dates   ...   ...                    1,01,551  67,620        37,024
              . dry                                 7,220   3.000   3,000  7,220
              -      ;;;   ;;;                    " ' 2^200   1.096        1,120
             Drupi and medicine* ...               41,721   4.692         37,033
             Djeiug and coloring materials         12.540   12.1-70   00
             Earthenware                            6.OJ0   2.U2.1         2fi*>
             Fruits and vegetables ...             31,670  10.057         12,013
             Fuel                                  24.000  14.100         13,5-10
             Furniture                                       6*0     810
             Gla«s                                  8. KK)   020
             Gold thread  ...                       2, *00   4c*0
              „ embroidered doth                    6,500
             G^ain ar.d pult>e                    2,55,313   6,15,913  3.57.573
             Gum. Mustolir                           to     4,600   3,7oO
             Hides and alias                        1.0*1 I                1,100
             Itdigo                                39,t>*J J   4,4 V)     31,757
             Jutcj n.tiufactnrcs of ...             l.l-O ,   Z'*)          SOO
              .. raw                                3.2 O   2.S*0
             Leather, manufactures of               l.W     1.012           r?3
             L'tr.ouj, dry ...                     14,750   4.t>3         lo.avj
             L'mon juice                             850    ’r:o            230
             Lueifers                               1.523    190           1,130
             Mats   ........................       10,500   6,220          6,230
             Metals ........................       33.7U0  22.500         11,3 JO
             Millstones ...                          6.0    1.20     COO
             Naval stores ...                       6,10    6.2«00   ICO
             Oil                                   3-1,674  12.650        22/124
             Pearls                              67,50,00  60,*>-,*>A) I   22,60,000
             Perfumery ...                         22.7W    4,270         19,570
             Pore*lain and Chinaware                6/AA3   4, WO           6X3
             ProvUivn and oilman stores            61,400  23.0*0         39,360
             8»lt                                   0.GUO  12.0U0   6,400
             Saltpetre ...                          4,6.0   4.3O0           230
             {EK«. :::    :::                       4.0U0   2.70*   6.050  1.238
             Shells, pearls...                     23.1X0   19A<0         *4.000
             Silk, manufactures at ...             41,0-30  27.-5X3       13.900
                    ...                             8,‘W0   4.900
                                                   30.350  43,340  17,530
             ^SP ........................           2.COO    660
             Stationery ...                         2,50(3  1.6-33
             Sugar-candy ...                        3.500   3.600
              - k*3* ...                            2.0*0   1.200
             Tailow  •oft ...                      73.030   9.1*0
                                                    3,6*A3  6,700   2.200
                                                     350     2*0
             Tobacco, nsa’ojfaetvet of             62.0(A)  1,44,000  92,000
             Tin.ber and wood                      3S.6O0  21,200
             Sii^                                   l/JUO    800
             * •'olea goods                        £±,SA)    400
             All other kinds not included abor     15.3i)  19.100   6,970
                                     Total       77.rJ.734  1,00,03,641  23,22^23
                                    Sped*        13,60.000  13.00,000     60.000
                                 Grand Total     81A73*  u 3,03,5^1  »,23^3  4,40,378
   200   201   202   203   204   205   206   207   208   209   210