Page 206 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 206

                                                No. 18.
                    Con! ran fed Statement showing the value and description of goods exported
                                   from Lingah during the gear 1371-75.

                                                     I   Fo* Tnr. y»:m*  Inert a re  Deere a**
                                  C L A s rt.        :                   ill     In
                                                        1WU     1*7.',.  1*175.  l->73.
                                                     I    X'.    n*.     lit.
                    Animal*. living                      1,0)0   l.lrt)
                    Award                                        2 ,«>rj   2/ttJ
                    Arms ammunition, Ac.                 7.15*)  C.1W
                    1Um-U ...    . -                     3.70
                    Itc«k4     ,                          fO              910
                    Candle*                               C73             125
                    Cnu\*% couutrj                      l.V-o           19.5m)
                    CMtl*                            i   VO
                    Chunnm and lime                     11 AO
                    Clucks and waUhea                     80
                    IViDSUU ..                            f/«)
                          drj                            2.50             7«»
                    Oilfvc                              15/»0
                    l\dr and coir rej*e                  1.7 O           4.3-1)
                    CtiUnn c<*ud*   . .                 40/..)         7,31.0-0
                    Thread ami twUt                      4.7 O           2, WO
                    Cotton. raw                          r./.n                   1.2)0
                    J>atc«                              7«V»    60.70)          10JO
                    I>alr juice . .                      l.-'O    IV)             cco
                        and medicine* ..                25.01   22.1 -»)         3.150
                    1>»vit;x ami mlurinif materials   I  «/•*>   0.372   3,772
                    Karl hen ware                        2/*»)    7TO           "ftlO
                    Fruits aud vr xctaldeft...          22.2  V)   12,iJ)        p.m
                    Fuel                          • •    P.2‘0         
                    (!U*I                                6.1*0    4 *2           4 .!•*»
                    <ii-!d thread                        l.l'O    NO             1.2 W
                      ,.  < i !• red cloth               a '•                    3.5m)
                    tJraln a:.d |                              5,.r,o) :  3.W.720
                                                       1.7/ . •»
                             i                                   «.•>-» J  3,iv0
                     II:*’ » a:. 1 *k;r.s                 1*0                     8.)
                     Is«*S - *                          SI *. •)   3 2 •»       2V.r»
                    Ji.:.. *.   tf                       3 *0    1 : *i  I       l.**r)
                      ,, i:.s                                      0    "U 0
                     l.< 4*1.« r, i..   '.ur«4 uf         **'•)  1/*•)
                     L.*:: • dry                         tV*0 i   2,- «»         G.VO
                          JU.lC                     ... *  2 0    M               12)
                                                                  1  :
                     I.1I. :f**rt                        l.VO    l.-v»>           Cm)
                     Mat*                                s.vo .  4.3 V)   bto
                     M-iih                           i  •T-O     &,*>*)         15.12)
                                                    ... j  4/« O  !.'»•)         3,0-0
                    oil                                 li/*o    7.00            4/i O
                    0|>:a*a                                                      1,5m)
                     1\ ar:«     . .                     1.3 O •              25/o.mO
                     2’. rf-.*:, rr                  • C7/0.0 0 ' 32/0 r.o      2?), 12)
                                                        2- .VO ;
                     iVnr'.iia and Cli!na«src            4>0 !   4.20             2m)
                     I*r-*s «»'.*r.u and u:lm«n ktorca   3- o*) J  •!.!<»   3).is>
                     Salt                                       l'V-0    l,l)»
                     ha!tr<(r*                           »/••»   1.80    1
                     hhark Coe .                         i>o ■!   i.k»  ”c'»      310
                     hhc’.l. (]<arl)                     v*o   I  9.3V)
                     bitk, manufacture* of ..           2vo .   3v»0    1SJ.MO   L300
                        raw                              2.^0 i  *3.700
                     Fplcc%                              1AO !           i-no
                     Kwp                                2U»             11/iiO    5.T0
                     hi a: ion cry ..                     80                      wo
                     bu^ar-canJy                         1.40 |                   000
                      •* l**af ..                        3.3') |
                         •oft ..                          80              400   MJOOO
                     t5v»w                              69/* O                   LKW
                     Tea                                 •wo     1.100
                     Tutor**                                      120     120
                       . manufacture* of                4S/O0  1^.00    00,000    170
                     Tletor and woud                              so              600
                     Wat                                        10.200            100
                     sa to**'...                                  wo      00
                     * ■xl*» rood*                       4/no                    i/no
                     Ttrii»r.4ia*br»                    22.W0   10.400
                     All v?Ur kind* tut Included atov#           2.5*0   2A*>
                                                                li\05f   2.151
                               bpeua                   «5.57,))i , 61.33   w*1 j p-iS;S
                                                       Il.V./OO 11/0.000
                               Grand Total ...
                                                       VA7.V* | 9SJKI&* j 12,92, tO> j
   201   202   203   204   205   206   207   208   209   210   211