Page 217 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 217

FOR THE YEAR 1875-70.        67
                                        No. 21.

           Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported
                         from Bahrein during the gear 1874-75.

                                               Fo» TH* TBAB
                                                             Increase In   Doc rcaae
                        CLAS8.                                 1875.  in 1875.
                                              1874.    1875.

                                               22#.    22#.             22#.
           Animal#, living   ...                7,VX)   11.810
           A nr.#, ammunition, Ac.               7 50    800
           Candle*     ...                               450
           Canras, country                     35,000   41,000
           Cattle.                              1,000   1,800
           Cbaoam and lime                      2,000   2,500
           Coco in uU                            400     375               25
          Coffee       ...                      42,500  43,500
          Cotton, rear                         10,000   10,1300
          Cotton goods of all kinds            2.41,500  1,87,400      ’*57,100
           Dates                               72.000   72.000
            - dry                              01.000   60.000         ”i'i!ooo
           Priurs aud medicine ...               Vto     425
           1»mmg and coloring materials          6(0     650               60
           Fruits and vegetables                1,7(0   1.700
          Crain and pulse   ...                I.00.3U0  1,81,300        9,000
          Hides and bkius                      40,000   46,OX>
          Indigo                                1.500   1,500
          Jute, manufactures of...              10/00   1C.0-J)
           Ixiiions, dry, and citron, Ac.       6,750   6,250
           Lucifer*                             1,000   1.U50
          Mat#                                  3.000   13,500
          .Metals                               10,800  12,625
          Oil.                                  3,0*0
          Pearl shells...                       2.500   3,600
          Terfunitry                            2,800   2.700          ...... 100
          jWirliin and Cbinavare                2.000   2,100
          I rurisious aud oilman stores        21,600   22/200
          call pet re                            600     600
          Hlk, manufactures of!!’,              14,000  12,000           2,000
          bilk, raw                             3,250   3,200             50
          Spiers       ||!                      7.000   8/100
          Stationery                            1.000    950              60
          Sugar-candy                           1,600   1,400             100
          ToE aceo                             17,600   17,500
          Woolen gr-ods                          900     950
          AH other kinds not Included In abors  22,500                  8*600
                                 Total    ...  8^2,000  7&A*    41,090   ifiifrn
                                 Pearl*       21/10,000  tSfiOfiOO   7,(WjOOO
                                 Sped*                 7IfiOO   7V»0
                             Grand Total      29^2,650                 1/HJ7»
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