Page 222 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 222


                                                No. 25.

                    Contrasted Statement shoving the value and description of goods imported
                       into the Arab Const in the Persian Gulf during the year 1874-75.

                                                         Foa TIT* YXiB
                                                                       Increase  Decrease
                                 Cum.                                    in      In
                                                                        1S73.   1S75.
                                                        1871    1875.

                                                       Rupee*.  Rupee*.  Rupee*  Rupee*.
                    Animals, living   ...                        2,706   2,706
                    Arms, ammunition, Ac.                13,715  10.5U5
                    Candle* ...   •••                              s.J
                    Canvas, country                             36.483   27.9S5
                    Cattle                                      13.128
                    Chunam and lime                              6.5C0   3,310
                    Clock* and watches ...                        788     766
                    Coei-anula ...   •*«                        30,022  30.022
                    ColTca                              ai.roo   05.875  C2,»75
                    Coir and rope   •••                  10,325   10.115   00
                    Cotton, raw                          9.2* X)
                    Thread and twi*t                     6.9V)   3.737
                    Pici-t poods of all kinds          3.22/»V)   2.70.2 H
                    Dates                              3,!-V.75   3,30.230
                    Date juice                           1".7«  27,276   16.531
                    Date*, drr                                  20.500   20.500
                    Drop* and medicines ...              4.5.33   1.573
                    Dicins and coloring materials        1.3*0   4.193   "2.^13
                    llartlnnware   •••                   .3 2 tO   1.77-1
                    Fruit* and veeetables...        ... ,  22.025   2-.‘*22   6.^07
                    Fuel, fire-w««*l                     1*5 .««*)   1.21'.! *7   31.157
                    Gln»* and eh-osware ...               875    0.531
                    tii.l'l thr«a-l                        75    5.775
                    Grain an 1 p-:l*e                   7.12.280  6,07.032      44.G48
                    Gum. lVr^ia                                  2,277
                    Hide* and .kins                       020    6,150
                                                         «0/*O   3.8.59         16,160
                    JuTr. and manufacture* of            1.123   2.^*3
                    Lri:h< r. manufactures of       7.160   3.520          "3.OIO
                    Lemon*, dry                          9.1*.*)  5.006          4,804
                    Lemon juice                                  1.308
                    Lucifer*                                     2.0 V)         '12.520
                    Mats                                 3-.125  25.005
                    Metals   ...   •••                   70.0*)  50,110         29.100
                    Oil seed ...                         8,100   3.006           4,434
                     - «•* ..............                 500    2.GX)
                    Opium   ...   •••                             113
                    Perfumery ...                        11.67)   22,913
                    Porcelain and Chlnaware              2,0>X)   3.110
                    Froeivluu and oilman stores          23..VX)   73.335
                    Fall                                 22.VX)   8.670         14.130
                    Saltpetre ...                        1/*X)   3.026
                    Feeds                                1.230    609             381
                    Silk* manufactures of...            i;*.'xx>   30.270      1,01,730
                    Spices                               22>*>   21.006
                    Stationery ...                       l^JOO    601             638
                    Sucar-candy                           V<0    1.411   Tin
                    Susar. Bengal                        K mo   31,399
                    Tajluw                               5.0. V)   2.028   18,998  iyn
                    Tobacco                             32,625  21.488           8,137
                       _ manufactures of
                    Timber and wood                      »\600   1,67.654   1,37.034
                    Wool, raw ..                         14.230   14.210   1.090
                      „ manufacture* of                 61 .VX)   69.077  7&V7
                    All other kind* not Included la abort  26,100  878          SM0
                                       Grand Total     22.78^00  *3,41,951     A90,41J
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