Page 226 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 226


                       In the beginning of November rumours were received of a meditated
                   raid on Muscat by Sheikh Ilamcyd bin Khalifeen of the A1 Wahiboli,
                   but the report was exaggerated, and the intentions of Sheikh Ilamcyd
                   were  frustrated by the intervention of Saleh bin Ali.
                        In the Fame month an event occurred in El Sharkiyeh, in which
                    three of the 15u IIassail were slain by a party of the A1 Wahiboh,
                    thereby establishing a blood-feud between these tribes which still
                    remains open.
                        On the 11th December 11 is Highness Syud Abdool Azeez left
                    Muscat to proceed to Semail with the object, it. is believed, of replacing
                    the Gbnfliree garrison of that fort with a Ilinawi one, and Ilis Highness
                    was still absent from Muscat when His Highness Syud Toorkec
                    unexpectedly arrived at Multrah on the night of the 13th in a native
                    boat and succeeded in occupying that town and the forts commanding
                    it without opposition. At this juncture Muscat was in charge of the
                    Governor, Syud Mahomed Azan, and a small garrison of about sixty
                    13u llassan, who on hearing of Ilis Highness Syud Toorkec's arrival
                    resolved to hold out and defend the place until orders had been received
                    from His Highness Syud Abdool Azeez. They were repeatedly called
                    on to submit but declined, and negotiations with them carried on by
                     11 is Highness Syud Toorkec proved fruitless. In the meantime
                     Ilis Highness Syud Abduol Azeez wrote to the Governor of Muscat,
                     requesting that the defence be continued, as he was collecting men and
                     coming to th« ir aid. Ilis Highness had been growing increasingly
                     unpopular f-.-r some time, and he seems to have miscalculated his power,
                     as he was not able to gather suliicicnt force to leave Semail. His chief
                     supporter, Saleh bin Ali, was not expeditious in joining him, and when
                     at b ngth Saleh moved out of Sharkiyeh, it was too late to avail any
                     thing On the 10th His Highness Syud Toorkce, who had been joined
                     by a force of Ghaflirees from Xakhl, occupied the suburbs of Muscat,
                     ami firing continued for two days between his men and the town without
                     any loss to either side. On the 21st the garrison offered to surrender
                     and negotiations being completed, Ilis Highness Syud Toovkec entered
                     the town with his troups and resumed charge of the government. The
                     fir>t 6t<*p of His Highness Syud Toorkee after assuming power
                     was to appoint Syud Said bin Mahomed his Minister and chief
                     adviser. His Highness also abolished some petty imposts and duties
                     that bad been imposed by His Highness Syud Abdool Azeez, and
                     continued to aduerc to bis former general policy of conciliation.
                         At the end of December Ilis Highness Svud Abdool Azeez, finding
                     himself without funds and unsupported, left Semail and proceeded to join
                     Sheikh Saleh in El Sharkiyeh. llefore leaving Semail however, he had
                     sent to His Highness Syud Toorkec, offering to come in and make
                     terms through the mediation of the Political Agent A satisfactory reply
                     was returned by Syud Toorkee offering terms on the basis of Abdool
                      Azeez retiring from Oman, but Abdool Azeez bad left Semail without
                     awaiting a reply to bis message. Ilis Highness Syud Abdool Azee*
                      soon after changed his residence to Seme<L
                          Tti February Ilis Highness Syud Toorkec began negotiations for
                      the surrender of the furt at Seuiail, which was still in possession of
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