Page 231 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 231

mcscat political agency for the year 1875-76.        81
                              Estimate for the year 1875-76.

                                                            Vnluo in
             From.         Articles.           Quantity.    Dollars.  Remarks.

                   Rice (Bengal)            130,000 Lags.    GOO,000
                    „ (Malabar) ...           20,000 „        32.000
                   Sugar                       7,000 „        70.000
                   Silk goods   Ml              100 bales.   2.3.000
                   Gooraccoo    Ml              150 casks.      GOO
                   Musk                          50 tins.     2.500
                   Aloes wood   Ml               10 boxes.    3,000
                   Cofton stuffs               1,500 bales.   200,030
                   Cotton cloth (blue)          300 „         30,0)0
                   Thread       • • t           600 „         45,000
                   Broadcloth   Ml              100 tbans.     1.500
                   Copper       Ml               10 boxes.     1,200
                   Damaged cotton ...           800 bales.     1,200
                   Wax candles                   50 boxes.      200
                   Surrungee                     80 bales.      8»X>
                   Indigo                        10 casks.     2,000
                   Purwas                        50 bags.       2.30
                   Sweet oil                   7,OX) casks &   55,0)0
                  ! Coffee                     1.200 bags.    34,000
                  •  Popj>er                    *K> ii        6.000
                   Gunny                         3*1 bales.   1.500
                  ! Turmeric                    400 bags.     4,5*30
               A Spice                           70 bales.    2,5*30
               c Sugar-candy                    2-30 kegs.     1,700
               JZ Rope          • ••            125 kandies.  2.500
                   Ironware                                   3.000
                  i Frankincense                100 boxes.     1.000
                   Tin and lead                 4-30 pieces.   4.000
                  I Cinnamon                    300 boxes.    2,400
                   Saffron      Ml               20 „         3.000
                   Gold thread                                2.000
                  ; Wood        • ••                          4.000
                  • Turkey Red                   20 boxes.    6.000
                  • Semsin oil   • ••
                  , Alum        • ••             50 casks.      400
                  ; Red rice    • ••             15 kandies.    200
                   Monkey nut*  • ••            600 bags.     1,500
                  ! Dye         • ••            100 tins.     1,000
                   Bajree       • ••             60 kandies.    700
                   Tea                   • ••     6 boxes.       60
                   Sandal-wood chip*             10 kandie*.    800
                  • Wines, spirits, and malt liquors.         8,000
                   Oil****1*                     16 kandies.    400
                  I  Dry cocoanuU               160 bales.      700
                   8teel                         60 casks.      300
                   Dry ginge,                    16 bale*.
                 J Betel-nut*            Ml      26 „           360
                                         • ••
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