Page 236 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 236



                       Controlled Statement showing the value and description of goods exported
                                                 from Muscat,
                                        Estimate for the year 1875-76.

                                                 For tub opprmr, yba»
                                                                      Incrcoso  Doorcase
                                Clash.                                  la         In
                                                                      1875-76.   1575-76.
                                                 1871-75.  1875-76.

                                                  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.   Dollars.
                        Da ton, pressed            221,000   250 000     20,000
                        Dates, dry                 220,000   250,000     30.000
                        Fish, Sounds                 1.5oO     2.000       500
                        Cotton ...                  20.000    42.000    22.000
                        Shark fins                  15.000    15.000
                        lied ochre                   2.000     1,300                 500
                        Salt ...                    1*1.000   12.000                2,000
                        Fish ...                     7.000     7.000
                        Dried limes            i     8.000    10.000     2,000
                        Other fruits         ... i  20.000    30.000     20.000
                        Muther-o’-pcarl        I    30.000    50.000    20.000
                        lYarl* ...                  30.000    50.000    20.000
                        Sirjar ...             i l   5.000    10.000     5.000 I
                        Henna ..                     1.7O0     1.700 I
                        ('•dt-m f ihrics       i    60.000 I  130/00 I   70.000
                        Date jtssoo                  1.4W) I   3.100
                        Dla< k dates           ;     1,100 |   2.000  !    COO
                        Almonds                      1.200 ;    200                 1,000
                        Zi'lirt-h...           {     G.500     5,500                1,000
                        Hums ...                      300       300
                        Madder                       1.300     1,000       300
                        A*»af<i-tida                  700       500                  200
                        Walnuts                       8/0 j     800
                        Garlic ...                    OK)       800        200
                        Wheat...                    13,000    20,000     7.000
                        Wood ...                     3.onr)    4.-00     1.000
                        Planks...                    5,000     2.000                3,000
                        Cotton seeds                 3.000     5.000     2.000
                        Ghee ...                     4.000    10.000     6,000
                        Sulphur                      3.000     3.000
                        Cowrie*                      5.500               2,500
                        Rose-water                   2.500     8.«00                 500
                        llulwa...                   15,000               5,000
                        Goats' lialr                          20.000                1,000
                        Arabian canvas               4.000     3.000     1,000
                        Musk ...                     4,000     5.000
                        Aloes wood                             1.000     1.000
                        Resin ...                              1,800     1,800
                        Tverosine oil                           600      2,100
                        Tamarind                               2,100              • •••••
                        Jowaree                                 too        400
                        Opium ...                             13,000     13,000
                        Moon*...                               1,500     1,500    ••••••
                        Rose leaves                            2,000     2.000
                        Reed pens                              3,200     3,200
                        Pon»e»;ranate skins                     900        900
                                                                400        400
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