Page 238 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 238


                                               P.— (Con fin ited.)

                                                     For tiir official year
                                                                        Increase  Decrease
                                      Cl.A94.                             in       in
                         9                            1871-75.  1875-76.  1875-7G  1875-76.
                                                       Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                           ( Wax candle*                  250      200               50
                            Surrungec                     800      800
                             Indigo ...                  2,000    2.000
                             Punva*                                250      250
                            Sweet oil                   50.000   55,000    5,000
                            Coffee ...                  37.000   31,0.0            3,000
                            ’ Pepper ...                 6,300    6,000              300
                             Gunny ...                            1.500    1,500
                            Turmeric                     •1.000   -1.500    500
                            . Spice                      2.900    2,5 00             400
                            : Sugar-candy                1,700    1,700
                            1 Hoj>e ...                  2,000    2 500     COO
                             Ironware      ...           3.000    3.000
                             Frankincense                1.900    1,800
                            Tin and lend                 4,300    4.000              300
                            Cinnamon                     2.000    2.100     •100
                            ; Saffron                    3,iXK)   3,OX)
                             Gold tliread                2.000  i  2.000
                             \V.«d                       •1.0 >0   4,000
                            Tuikiy Ked                   0,000   G.OoO
                             Alum                         ;soo     •Dil !   100
                             IL-d rice ..            j    500      1100             200
                             Monkey nut*             !   1,200    1,500     300  I
                             D \ i *                 i    MO      1,000     200
                             Hajree                       350      700 |    350
                         .5 ! • "Tea       ...                      50 !     50
                         *2 J Sandal-wood chip* ...       500      S00 !    300    •. •
                           l Canva*
                             Wir.e«, >pirit«, and malt liquor*   7,»>00 i   8,000 !  500
                             Oil >ecd*                    300 j    •100     100
                             Dry cocoa noU                700      70O
                             SUtl                         250      300      50
                             Dry ginger                    75      100      25
                             Ik-tej-nuU                   300      350      60     •••
                             liras* ...    fiS§
                                                                   200      200
                             Camphor                      250      300      60
                             Nutmegs      • t<1
                                                          100      400     300     • ••
                            . Colored handkerchief*       400    1,000      600    • ••
                             Chintzes                   12,000   15,000   3,000
                             J agree ...                  400      200              200
                            .                             600      100              400
                             Mjrobelan*                   200                        20
                            ; Tar                         750      ISO      60
                            , Hemp ...                   6,000   6.000             • ••
                            • K« refine oil               150    3,000    2,850    • ••
                             Lucifer matches              300               100    • ••
                            • Duhba* (empty)              500      400    • ••      200
                             ***pcr       ;;;             200      400     200     • ••
                            , Kreah cocoa nuU              GO      80       20
                             lH1                           GO      80       20     • ••
                             Tamarind                     350     GOO      250
                            . Shawl* and looogeea         GOO    ljOOO     400
                           Lj NuU         ...
                                                          100      100    • ••
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