Page 229 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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the year 1375-70.        79
                 and muscat political agency for
                                      Part V.
                               tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the port of
           Table showing average
                          Muscat during 12 months, 1875-70.
               Class A.—European and American.     Class B.—Native Craft.
                                                 Average          Total average
            Class.   Where trading or description.  number.  tonnage of   tonnage.
                                                        each vessel.

                  Coal vessels...
                  America                            5      800       4,000
              cj                                                      8,800
                  Calcutta                          11      800
              H   Mauritius and Bourbon              3      400       1,200
              <   Singapoor ...                      3      300       3,500
          ◄ *'    Persian Gulf Ports                 7      500
              r.  Mail steamers                     54     1,000     64,000
              a   Other steamers                     3     1,000      3,000
              o   Bombay                             1      600         600
              A   Batavia                            1      600         GOO
              w   Red Sea Ports                      1      800         800
                                  Total             89     6,800     77,400
              ■<  India                            300      100       3.000
              a   Persian Gulf                     200      100       2.000
           •   ^ J
          « S’*   Zanzibar                          60      100       6,000
                  Yemen                            200       50      10,000
              H <  Mekran                          150       60       9,000
                                   Total           910      410      30,000
                             Grand Total           999     7,210    1,07,400

                                     (Sd.)    S. B. Miles, Lieut.-Col.,
                                   If. B. HI.** Fold. Agent and Consul, Muscat.

                            Estimate for the year 1875-76.

                  Abticles.          Quantity.    Value in        To.

          Date*, pressed         125,000 bags.    250,000 India, Yemen, America.
            « dry                  60,000 „       250,000
          rii»h. Sounds ...           70 „          2,000      India.
          Cotton                   2.000 bales.    42.000
          Slmrk fin. ."              200 M         15.000
          Red ochre (Mugur)         1.000 loads.    1,600        *•
                                   6.000  „        12.000
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