Page 253 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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              was accompanied by a large body of troops from different parts of Persia,
              perfect order and tranquillity prevailed during his stay iu these parts.
                  22. Bunder Abbaes,—Ahmed Shah Khan of Minas, the Governor of
              Bunder Abbass, died iu July 1876, and the Mo’ctemid-ud-Dowlah gave the
              government to Nussccr-ul-Mulk, who, nftcr placing his nephew there as
              Deputy Governor, visited that port and Lingah.
                  2;j. Portal,—A weekly postal service has been established by the
              Persian Government between Teheran aud Bush ire. The cossids call at
              the principal places cn route, and, if properly carried out, the effect of the
              measure will prove of great benefit totlio mercantile community of Persia.
                  24.  Judicial.—By Notification No. 452 P., dated 1st March 1877,
              His Excellency the Governor-General in Council appointed the Assistants
              to the Resident, being Christians and European British subjects, to be
              Justices of the Peace and to exercise also the powers of Magistrates of
              the 1st Class within the undermentioned territories beyond the limits of
              British India, viz,, the whole of the Coast and Islands of the Persian Gulf
              and the Gulf of Oman, with the exception of those portions which are
              under the jurisdiction of the Political Agent at Muscat and the Assistant
              Political Agent at Gwadur.
                  25.  The administration of justice oyer British subjects is still
              defective, owing to the absence of any instrument regulating and defin-
              ir.g the extra-territorial jurisdiction possessed by the British Crown in
              the maritime provinces of Persia.
                  26.  During the year under review an attempt was made to ascer-
              tain the number of British Indian subjects (including the subjects of
              Native States in alliance with Her Majesty) resident in the various ports
              of the Gulf. The following statement makes no pretension to complete­
              ness, but may be useful as preparatory to a general system of registra­
              tion, which has beeu prescribed by the Government of Iudia, being
              carried out:—                                                 ®

                               Place of residence.              8    ■a  Total.
                                                               la    *o»
                                                               £     rQ

               ^ "Raa-el-Khymali                                 1
               *  Ummal-Gawain                                   2          1 2
                  Ejman ...                                      3
                4 Sh&rgah ...                                               3
               5 H&nmeh ...                                     16    13   29
               *  Bahai                                          1          1
              ° Ulm Zbabi                                       18     3   21
                  Bahrein ...                                              18
                  AlkaUr ...                                    41     6   47
                  Bo*hire ...                              • ••  11        11
               *  Bunder Abbasa                                        6    6
               I Minab                                          42    29   71
               3 Kishm                                           3     7    10
                  binjjab ...                                          8    8
                 LAlkaia ...                                    39    76   116
                                                                 1          1
                                          Grand Total

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