Page 255 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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                                        Part IL
                       ADMINISTRATION REPORT FOR 1876-77.
                         shoving the number of Return* accompanying the Trade
                            Report of the Residency, Tertian Guff.
                 1. —Statement showing the total Import and Export trade of the
             Bombay Presidency, the Province o£ Sind, and Calcutta, with the Per­
             sian Gulf, for the year 1875-76.
                 2. —Statement showing Imports into Bombay Presidency from the
             Persian Gulf (Arabia, Persia, and Turkey in Asia) during the official
             year 1875-76.
                 3. —Statement showing Export from Bombay Presidency into
             the Persian Gulf (Arabia, Persia, and Turkey in Asia) during the official
             year   1S75-76. (Foreign merchandise, and Indian produce and manu-
                 4.—Statement showing Imports into the province of Sind from the
              Persian Gulf (Arabia, Persia, and Turkey in Asia) during the official
             year 1875-76.
                  5. —Statement showing Exports from the province of Sind to the
              Persian Gulf (Arabia, Persia, and Turkey in Asia) during the official
              year 1875-76.
                  6. —Statement showing Imports into Calcutta from the Persian
              Gulf (Arabia, Persia, and Turkey in Asia) during the official year
                  7. —Statement showing Exports from Calcutta to the Persian Gulf
              (Arabia, Persia, and Turkey in Asia) during the official year 1875-76.
                  8. —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the princi­
              pal and other articles of trade imported into Bushire during the year
                   —Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the prin­
              cipal and other articles of trade exported from Bushire during the
              year 1876.                                                &
                  10.—Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of
              goods imported into Bushire during the year 1875-76.
                       Contrasted statement showing the value and description of
              goods exported from Bushire during the year 1875-76.
              the port ^kl^bowing average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving

               • 13-"-Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the prin-
                  1876°ther artlC CS °f trade im^rtcd int0 Eunder Abbass durin/ the
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