Page 306 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 306

                                                    No. 18.
                         Controlled Statement thawing the value and description of goods imported
                                        into Lingah during the gears 1875-70.

                                                            Fob run tub
                                                                         Inertias In
                                       CtAM.                               1678.  Decrease |B
                                                           1674.   1670.           1070.
                                                                     n*.    7?«.
                         Animal*. living                     l.tNO  1,350    270
                         Apparel                             1,1-JO  10*300          20
                         Am;* ami ammunition                6.030           3,290
                         Ilcade and amber                    120    2.511.?   2.780
                         llooke                             2/VO    10,400   13,110
                         Candice                              I--)  1,000    txo
                         Canvae, country                    31.419   15,000        1«.«18
                         Cattle                             6.103   P.iX)   £ow
                         Ctiucnin and lime                  4.600   l.O'X)          3.SO
                         Cocoanuta ...                      4,59 »   1,300          3.201
                         Coffee                             17,120   5M.5»*0   li’,060
                         Coir and colr-rope                 MW      11,300   4,760
                         Colton pwl»                       6.7I.UT)   3,00.100    3.11.5,0
                          „ country                         8.01)   4.3.T)          3,7uO
                         Thread and twlet                   2S.OV)   32.750   KOCH)
                         Colton, raw                        6, VO   P.500   2.700
                         Datra                              67,426  60.0r.«0   12.474
                         Dale atone...                      3>»     8,3<»   4,700
                          „ jul-e ...                       1.0*0   1,700    C20
                         Drue* and medlrloee                4.C92  14,100   20.403
                         Djeing and colouring matcrlala     12,670  7.870           800
                         F.artbco-warr   ...                2.330   4.390   *£o70
                         Fruita and vegetables              1P.“47  16.&0           5.',7
                         Foci                               14.1CO  13,900          900
                         Furniture ...                       8 40   8.010   7.170
                        (ilaaa                               000    1,750    790
                        Cold thread                          400    2.120   1.730
                        (•rain and pulee                   6,15,913   3,90.570    2.25 JM
                        (ium, 41 <iftall                    4,l>*0   4.200          40l)
                         lliili-a and aLiaa                  2v)                    2^0
                        Indigo                              4,41)  iojooo   6.160
                        Jute, mannfactnrca of                3*a)   2,220   1.020
                        Jute, raw ..                        2.H)    4.7 V)
                         leather, manufacture* of           1,312   8..VJO   2.350
                         Lmou, dry .                        4,10    3,<ik)   7,213  i'.4io
                          „ Juice                            120    l.fclO
                         Loafer*                             290            1,190   •jyo
                        Mate                                5.2- 20   10.500  *6.230
                        Mrlale                              22..VO  45.700  23.340
                        Mill atone ..                       1.2- »   3.700  2,500
                        Naval a-.orra                  :    6.2*0                  6,200
                        oil                                 12.0V)  16.800  4J50
                         Pearla                           8O,0o.««O  24.00.f00   co.oo’oo
                         Perfumery                          4.270   2.7X)           1,670
                         Fcrolaln and Cbinawart             4.4)0   6.500
                        ProTutun and oilman atorea          23.040  1,3'.*, 450  1.10,410
                        Salt                                12,ra»   15.fOO  3.0.T)
                        Saltpetre ...                       VI»)    6.«O0   1,700
                        *~de .......................        2,700   33,670  30.906
                        Fhark fine ..                       8,3.V)   11,200  2.850
                        t'hrlle (pearl)                     19.00   32.000   13,000
                        Silk, manufactures of..             27,2*0   14.500        ’^700
                        Silk, raw ...                       4.00   11.000   6.800
                        Splcee                              48,3*0  68,1*70  10.090
                          ‘P                                 600
                        Stationery ...                              4,150   3.500
                        bugar-caody                         l.f.i)  2/00     430
                          M loaf ...                        3,5*0   8.500   6.300
                          .  *ufi ...                       e.ino  64.000   ♦4JM0
                         Tallow                             6.700  22,100  16.400
                         TfB                                 21?            1,660
                         Tobacee ...                       1,41/XT)  1.000         67,500
                          M   man a fart ora a at                  76,600           300
                         Timber and wood                    3126)0  68,700  27.600
                         £3  beee ...                        810    1,000   1,160   400
                         Woollen roola                      19.100  61J00  32,600
                         All other kin da not Included abort
                                                            21/590  23,800  8,610
                                               Total      1,00/13.641  42^0,810  W766  62jajaa
                                               Bpecl*     13,00,000
                                           Grand Total    1,13,03,501  42,30,810  IM7*
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